2023/2024 Kits Thread

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i would assume the squad will report back early July so they will be wearing the training gear for next season. So i would guess we know something next week ??

That was the taster to gauge reaction. Probably be on away,third kits and some training gear this season.

They want to put it on everything and eventually get rid of the crest/badge.
No-one at our club is forward thinking in any way whatsoever. I sincerely doubt that will be the case
No-one at our club is forward thinking in any way whatsoever. I sincerely doubt that will be the case
I can assure you, this is the case.

The tower design is what they want for everything - it’s why it was available on the stones at BMD, and is on any official sign/poster/website linked to the club - it will be assimilated into the evertonian psyche so that it’s the norm and replace everything.

Also, How is it forward thinking to scrap any semblance of our history without even consulting the fanbase - they haven’t learned from the Nike beehive episode, the clueless cretins.

How come?
Because .... and I'm paraphrasing from a few years ago when they tried the cartoon beehive badge; "on these digital times we want a badge that is easy to reproduce into any medium."

Given that this digital age and with advanced printing, reproduction couldn't be easier and we could quite easily have a photographic replica of the mona Lisa on our kits etc this has to be the most pathetic excuse to go from a dangerous with "too much detail" to a cartoon.

Those running the club know less about what the club means and more about trying to acquire money for themselves.
How come?
I wouldn’t like to guess why they make these decisions mate, god knows.

It’s Probably Easier, quicker and cheaper to have a simple logo/badge than the current design on all apparel?

Be that magic word modernisation in action.

I quite like the tower design on the yellow kit, but I wouldn’t want it replacing everything.

I loved just the EFC and laurels badge on the 80’s kits, but that got binned off soon enough.

Why can’t we have them all on different gear? Can’t be that difficult surely.

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