2022/23 Dominic Calvert-Lewin

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Our one piece of information is it's a personal physio with no mention of club staff.
It is club staff. The club have sent him under their supervision.

He'll be working to a plan with his personal physio that has been set in place by the club and is being monitored by the club.

Just like he worked to a club plan, under a personal physio, in lockdown three years ago when he bulked up.
Well hopefully he does because the worst-case estimation after the Arsenal game was 3 weeks and by the time Spurs comes around it'll be 9.

He's not happy with being injured, Dave. The club are doing what they can and so is the player.

As for warm weather training, I'm surprised they haven't already done it. I'm a tad worried it suggests the setback he had before the Chelsea game is even more serious.

We know we need another CF. But we needed one last summer. That's not Dom's fault.

It's a soap opera. And not a very good one. His injury saga is the Crossroads of football.

We have our attack sorted out now. Let's move on.
Slightly less active position on the pitch sadly.
I reckon he should be under club supervision rather than his personal physio given everything yeah. All the talk so far has been of a managed return and he's also recently missed training last week so him going out to Dubai on his own for 'warm weather training' wouldn't inspire confidence if I actually believed it was anything more than PR spin. At this point him actually not training like Ledley King might be a better idea.
Not strictly apples Vs apples but...
Bare with me, It came to pass that when Dalglish (37?) was Player / Manager, it came out that - He did NO training - cue Shock Horror.
Then it was clarified - he did the pre-season, but only did loosening and massage before and after playing...like him or - more likely - loath him, he had a personally decent playing season (spits)
...still an amount of shock horror.

Then Bobby Charlton weighed in - In Favour...gist...
'I don't see a problem, If I didn’t spend the last 3 years of my playing time chasing 18 year olds round the training field - I could've played on until I was 37/38 too.'

Short Version; know your body and manage it accordingly.

So... he shouldn't train?

I think he should certainly do some form of lighter training if at all possible due to his propensity for injury

If he can keep fit enough to play in his position whilst doing less in training then I think we'd be silly not to arrange that in all honesty

You can say it's not fair on the other players that he won't have to train as hard as they do, but needs must

Have him buy the drinks in pre-season or something to make it up to them

It's a soap opera. And not a very good one. His injury saga is the Crossroads of football.

We have our attack sorted out now. Let's move on.
of all the soaps you picked crossroads which wasn’t the worst.

‘El Dorado’ would have been my choice, and I could have understood ‘take the high road’… but crossroads @davek … CROSSROADS!!!???
I don't really understand why people try to make out like the whole thing is just fine and nobody should be talking about it. It's most definitely a saga, the lad has missed an inordinate amount of games over the last couple of years with a catalogue of injuries. He was taken off in a game 7 weeks ago as what was initially reported as being a precaution, but hasn't been seen since and is seemingly not even certain to be fit for the next game in 2 weeks time. The manager and his predecessor have both suggested that they believe he is, to all intents and purposes, 'fit' but that he doesn't necessarily agree. I'm not suggesting that he's doing anything wrong or there's anything untoward going on, but this isn't just your bog standard 'he's injured and that's the end of it' situation, it's obviously worthy of discussion.
It's a soap opera. And not a very good one. His injury saga is the Crossroads of football.

We have our attack sorted out now. Let's move on.
Benny from Crossroads


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