January Transfer Window 2023

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1522 pages. Let’s have a moment to consider what you could have done with the time you spent scouting and anticipating transfers for three months in this thread, mates. Maybe it’s time to let Everton go or put a little distance between you and them you so you feel a little less crazy crazy.
Adsokutely, I feel way better by caring less.

Sky sports news laughing at us and tbh they are right. We are a utterly catastrophic no players want to come.
It’s them and the media that aren’t helping us, about time the players stepped up to prove the media wrong. Frank had done us as much harm as Benitez did, our manager choices have been terrible. Let’s hope Dyche changes that.

Batshuyai just turned us down as he wants a more stable club, say it how it is why don’t you. What a laughing stock we are!????

My cup always being half full, if we don’t buy/loan and stay up we will have loads to spend in the summer and all those who wouldn’t come then [Poor language removed] off!!!!!!
This will be my last post for a while as im sure to be sanctioned for language but it is what it is!!!!
It's now well known within football circles that the Everton ownership and Board members are totally dysfunctional. They have combined to overspend on many poor players (the list is quite dreadful) & been soft enough to negotiate and permit hugely inflated and undeserved salaries. Given the various rules they must comply with, they have continued to overspend and waste money. Ultimately it has proved unsustainable; factor in the failure, to date, to secure funding to finish BMD then the club is financially sinking quicker and quicker. The failure to sign players is to be expected, for a good reason. In 6 months time, if the unthinkable happens and the club is relegated, then the issue of actually having enough money in the accounts to pay the players will kick in. That is why no sane player, with advice from a competent agent, would sign for Everton. The club have played Russian roulette during this window, with bullets in every chamber!

Meanwhile, anybody who suggests that some spotty teenage nerds legging Gordon in his car have put players off from signing is grossly exaggerated. What those kids did was wrong, but blown out of proportion. Apart from Gordon and Mina (who seemed unperturbed), have there been any other reports from the rest of that days match squad getting stick?

Even if there is some small morsel of incoming transfer activity before 11pm this window has been a complete and utter failure.

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