Match Thread Watford v Everton 10/12/16 KO 12:30

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clearly, we are going down. unlike with previous escapes, we now have a chairman who will not want to sack a manager cast in his own bloodless image. Ronald, needless to say, couldn't care less - he's got the money it's job done.
I have to say though that I cannot bear to watch that team, they are not a bunch who really deserve anybody's support

We so predictable and that's the problem same tactics formation as Martinez only we just hoof it up the field a bit more the formation that ended the last two games should be played but next week against arsenal it will be the same crap.
It's a simple 4-4-2 that Everton have played. Koeman wants to show us how his advanced tactics are though, not give us the formation that may actually win us games.

Today is the first time I seriously looked at that team and the manager and though he won't make it here and will be gone this season mate

If he doesn't turn things around after Jan - as in after he's brought signings in - then there is that possibility.

Basically, if we don't improve on last year.

We have to accept that we're a midtable side masquerading as one of the big boys atm though. I have faith Koeman will turn it around but there is a lot of questions atm, and rightly so.
I just don't even know what needs to be done to stop this rot now, the club is rotten to the core. Just a complete embarrassment.

Rotten is a very apt term to describe things. There's certainly been something festering behind the scenes and its really coming to the fore now.

The players are pathetic. We get the same patter every week, 'we have to learn why we don't start games well', 'we have to learn why we are not clicking', its all crap. Even a team who weren't that good or who go through bad runs of form would have picked up more points than us recently because of the simple fact, at least if you try hard you have more chance of getting something out of a game. We showed that with supposedly less quality players like Straq and even back to the dark days under Smith. These current players do not seem to care, they say they do but the proof is on our screens and in the results.

The manager (while I am flummoxed by his insistence on giving donkeys like McCarthy a game instead of Davies, and Coleman instead of Holgate) is only a bit player in this whole farce.

A simple few players in January is not going to solve anything.

That's if you even really believe we are going to buy anyone. Promises, promises and never delivered.

We are a club who talk the talk (new stadium for years, good times around the corner, always give youth a chance, sign quality players with new investment) but never walk the walk.

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