Naismith? Thoughts?

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Jack of some trades, master of none. He's a depth player, nothing more, for the moment.

As with any Everton player, I hope he improves and wins us some glory.
We need a squad of about twenty outfield players and every one of them cannot be first team starters every week.
Naismith comes into the category of squad player.Not good enough for the first team every week,but can play to a reasonable level in a couple of positions and adds a bit of depth to the squadAlso gets the occasional goal,which is welcome.

He seems to lack the pace and power to play in the premiership.Maybe he would be better in his more favoured central role,but so far he has shown himself to be about chamionship standard.
It was really great how the crowd applauded him when he made that solid defensive interception yesterday. Ran and ran and ran.
Unfortunately it's also super sad that the expectations set on him are now so so low (rightfully).
I think it's cute that Moyes brings on his little special-needs nephew to finish off games, have a little runaround, misplace basic passes..
But unlike other posters who complained that he came on at all, I think it was good for him to come on in a game like yesterday, try raise his confidence a bit. We're gonna need him to score again vs the ****e.
He's a squad player at best. From what I've seen I'm not sure if he's good enough for that tbh.

I think he's the type of player who needs to be playing every week. Having said that he did get a run of sorts when mirallas was injured and didn't really seem to pick up any sort of form.

I think if we make Europe where you need a much bigger squad he would come in handy. To be a squad player for us in the PL where he may well end up coming in for long periods due to injuries, IMO he's not good enough!

Imagine we'd had Donovan in his place this season as many extra points would that have got us..

Yet again left on the bench until the last possible moment yesterday, what has this boy got to do to get a start? We could have used his mobility up front last night, would have had a lot more joy than Anichebe who fell over approximately every 2 minutes and generally couldn't be arsed all game.

Great performance but Moyes logic baffles me sometimes.
we havnt the biggest squad so useful addition to have there and scored against the ****e hopefully can do that again at anfield when he comes on in injury time!!
we havnt the biggest squad so useful addition to have there and scored against the ****e hopefully can do that again at anfield when he comes on in injury time!!

Would you not give him a game from the start then mate? I see no reason he shouldn't be given a chance in a more advanced role.

Ive yet to see a worse Everton player than Naismith.
Typical. We are supposed to give players like Barkley and the like time to adjust. But because he's from Scotland and looks a little like he should be haunting a stately home, he's given no chance whatsoever.
Hopefully Rangers will be in for him in the Summer.

I imagine a few clubs will be in for him if he isn't given a chance here, I suppose it'd probably boost our transfer funds by about £6-8m, not bad for a freebie. But I'd rather he stuck around and got games, because he will then inevitably get goals as well.

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