Match of the Day

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Player Valuation: £1.5m
"You know what Fellaini is like with his elbows" Mark Lawrenson.

Having been to today's game, I watched MOTD to see exactly what the two red****es on the panel had to say about the game. Having watched the incident again, it is obvious that the worst elbow of the two is Grant Holt's yet all that is mentioned is Fellaini, and how he has a previous record with his elbows.

Now I'm not saying that the BBC is against us but frankly having two red****es there every week doesn't help. I have never heard them say "you know what Suarez is like with his diving" (Could also input cheating, swearing at crowd, biting, racism), and that is because of their background.

To me, this seems like if there is any controversy with Fellaini involved now, that because MOTD keep bringing it up that he will face more trouble. The fact that we were bullied for a large part wasn't mentioned .. just p1sses me off...

Am I alone i with this?
It is Match of the Day. Lineker never played for Everton, and the two gooseberries sat opposite tonight were the greatest players of their generation.

Ince was good on Focus last week though.
Fellaini could be simultaneously gang raped by 6 of the opposition team mates while being stabbed with a rusty pitchfork by their manager and not a single eyelid would be batted.

He swings a forearm that hits someone in the shoulder 'Lawro' and co have a gang mass debate and then blurt over the injustice that he wasn't sent off.

I can recall adrian childs making a big fuss over felli last season,on motd2,he is an awkward player but not dirty,could have gone down and got holt sent off,they didnt mention that.Pair of bells.

They're a bunch of bad bells, but he does like to wave his arms around a little bit. Nothing wrong with it as long as he doesn't get caught, and chins someone properly like.
Pissed me right off, that. Pair of ballbags. Holt should have walked, deliberate elbow to the face. Doesn't matter even if Fellaini had kicked him in the bollocks. Off for that.
Andy Johnson was never the same player for us after he was labelled a diver. Now Fellaini is their target. Luckily I don't think he cares and it shouldnt affect him.
He's certainly not whiter than white and I'm not going to defend him when he does lash out, but the BBC is supposed to be impartial. He's a marked man with refs now.

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