Holgate Racially Abused By Firmino - The Guardian

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“Being subjected to such a serious allegation for this length of time has been hurtful to him (Firmino)"

Not as hurtful as getting a concrete slab smashed over your head.

It's not even that. The argument about distress to Firmino is classic "what about menz" tattle. Its establishing a reactionary paradigm that doesn't exist.

What is stressful is feeling racially abused, having it investigated by an organisation that can't handle racism, and being abused through the process.
@davek you’re genuniely off your head with the stuff you spout. It’s embarrasing. Literally every one of your posts gets more strange than the last.

Holgate heard something racist, 12 other people on the pitch, including our players, did not. Do you not think it is reasonable to presume that he just mid-heard? Which is exactly what the FA’s statement implies.

You say we haven’t supported Holgate. How the hell do you know that? You’re not at the training ground everyday and you do not know what private conversations are taking place. He may have been dropped for some matches, but quite frankly he isn’t anywhere near good enough for us at this present time anyway. We have dropped him for footballing reasons so leave your weird conspiracy theories out of it.

And finally, something of a reoccurring theme, for the love of god stop banging on about Heysel. Point scoring over the death of 39 people is morally obtuse and it makes my eyes bleed. I have never seen anyone come over as so pathetic when you do this. Time to grow up.

I genuinely think you need some form of anger counselling, or just give up football all together. I only hope that you’re not like this in person and it’s just the keyboard that makes you come across as such an awful person.
So the people who jumped the gun and ran their mouths off are not now eating humble pie. What a surprise.

Maybe you should of just showed a bit of patience and you know waited for some actual evidence.

Now it is everyone else's fault, wild conspiracy theories are being thrown about and guess what the same mistakes are being repeated. If anyone has any actual evidence for these wild allegations then please post it is not then just shut up and stop embarrassing yourself and dragging the fan bases name through the mud.

It shouldn't be a race to the bottom.

@davek you’re genuniely off your head with the stuff you spout. It’s embarrasing. Literally every one of your posts gets more strange than the last.

Holgate heard something racist, 12 other people on the pitch, including our players, did not. Do you not think it is reasonable to presume that he just mid-heard? Which is exactly what the FA’s statement implies.

You say we haven’t supported Holgate. How the hell do you know that? You’re not at the training ground everyday and you do not know what private conversations are taking place. He may have been dropped for some matches, but quite frankly he isn’t anywhere near good enough for us at this present time anyway. We have dropped him for footballing reasons so leave your weird conspiracy theories out of it.

And finally, something of a reoccurring theme, for the love of god stop banging on about Heysel. Point scoring over the death of 39 people is morally obtuse and it makes my eyes bleed. I have never seen anyone come over as so pathetic when you do this. Time to grow up.

I genuinely think you need some form of anger counselling, or just give up football all together. I only hope that you’re not like this in person and it’s just the keyboard that makes you come across as such an awful person.
:oops::oops::oops: wowzers.
@davek you’re genuniely off your head with the stuff you spout. It’s embarrasing. Literally every one of your posts gets more strange than the last.

Holgate heard something racist, 12 other people on the pitch, including our players, did not. Do you not think it is reasonable to presume that he just mid-heard? Which is exactly what the FA’s statement implies.

You say we haven’t supported Holgate. How the hell do you know that? You’re not at the training ground everyday and you do not know what private conversations are taking place. He may have been dropped for some matches, but quite frankly he isn’t anywhere near good enough for us at this present time anyway. We have dropped him for footballing reasons so leave your weird conspiracy theories out of it.

And finally, something of a reoccurring theme, for the love of god stop banging on about Heysel. Point scoring over the death of 39 people is morally obtuse and it makes my eyes bleed. I have never seen anyone come over as so pathetic when you do this. Time to grow up.

I genuinely think you need some form of anger counselling, or just give up football all together. I only hope that you’re not like this in person and it’s just the keyboard that makes you come across as such an awful person.

You alright mate?
@davek you’re genuniely off your head with the stuff you spout. It’s embarrasing. Literally every one of your posts gets more strange than the last.

Holgate heard something racist, 12 other people on the pitch, including our players, did not. Do you not think it is reasonable to presume that he just mid-heard? Which is exactly what the FA’s statement implies.

You say we haven’t supported Holgate. How the hell do you know that? You’re not at the training ground everyday and you do not know what private conversations are taking place. He may have been dropped for some matches, but quite frankly he isn’t anywhere near good enough for us at this present time anyway. We have dropped him for footballing reasons so leave your weird conspiracy theories out of it.

And finally, something of a reoccurring theme, for the love of god stop banging on about Heysel. Point scoring over the death of 39 people is morally obtuse and it makes my eyes bleed. I have never seen anyone come over as so pathetic when you do this. Time to grow up.

I genuinely think you need some form of anger counselling, or just give up football all together. I only hope that you’re not like this in person and it’s just the keyboard that makes you come across as such an awful person.
Thanks mate.

So the people who jumped the gun and ran their mouths off are not now eating humble pie. What a surprise.

Maybe you should of just showed a bit of patience and you know waited for some actual evidence.

Now it is everyone else's fault, wild conspiracy theories are being thrown about and guess what the same mistakes are being repeated. If anyone has any actual evidence for these wild allegations then please post it is not then just shut up and stop embarrassing yourself and dragging the fan bases name through the mud.

It shouldn't be a race to the bottom.
Dont see why any humble pie is on the menu. Take a read of the FA statement: it says there was insufficient amounts of evidence. Technically they couldn't charge Firmino because of that.

It;s ambiguous and leaves the question of Firmino's innocence up in the air. It;s just something he'll have to live with.
The statement from the FA has basically said there’s not enough evidence to prove he did day it and not enough to prove that Mason made it up either. So in the absence we are left with whether you believe Holgate or Firmino and some of you have all too gleefully jumped on the I told you so train and backed Firmino.

Liverpool backed their player publicly before the inquiry during and after, Liverpool fans maintained their players innocence despite no evidence before during and after. Everton refuses to publicly support Holgate at any point throughout the process and some Everton fans refused to back him too, whether you like it or not this in a nutshell is the fundamental difference between the two teams. Whether it’s this incident or anything else one club and set of fans will stop at nothing to set the narrative the way they want whilst the other club is quite happy for them to do it as they have no interest in competing and as soon as fans question this lack of desire to compete they’re piped down by other fans along the lines of ‘embarassing’ ‘kopite behaviour’ etc.

The FA verdict has changed nothing. We didn’t know before what happened, and the FA have confirmed we never now will. In what should be an impasse though Liverpool backed by the media have claimed a moral victory whilst Everton have turned an impasse into a humiliation for one of their players. Anyone who points this out though is apparently a massive cringe and embarassing.
The matter should be put to bed now. There were numerous people much better placed to make a comment on it and none of them heard any of the alleged racism.

If the club feel that the FA have made the wrong decision and they have a strong case to overrule the verdict, I’m sure we’ll hear about it. Until then, Firmino is not guilty and shouldn’t be called a racist.

Let’s not become them and be the victims in everything. They’re still a club packed with scum, from their players to their fans.

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