Holgate Racially Abused By Firmino - The Guardian

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I honestly think Holgate won't even be at the ground for the game Dave.
Probably. What an indictment of this club right now, btw. Running scared of Murder Incorporated when they should be out there backing their own players up.

Everton 2018. An utter disgrace of a club and a stain on the history of a venerated world famous institution.

I'd like to congratulate the FA on communicating a very clear message on this.

If you believe you were the victim of racism, you best consider the size of the club the racist plays for before complaining. A West Brom, by all means, but a Liverpool? Prepare to have your reputation ruined and your past as a child brought up and used as a stick to beat you with.

It's disgusting isn't it?
Probably. What an indictment of this club right now, btw. Running scared of Murder Incorporated when they should be out there backing their own players up.

Everton 2018. An utter disgrace of a club and a stain on the history of a venerated world famous institution.

It's always galled me big style how 'nice' as a club we've always been, what I would give for a really bad snide on the pitch, and in the boardroom.

I’ve been called a re*ard and other things on twitter tonight just for staying insufficient evidence doesn’t mean innocent. It’s not the decision that’s appalling it’s the holier than thou stance of their fans classy as always. I absolutely dread going to work and having to listen to it from the beauts there tomorrow
And yeah mason won’t be anywhere near the next derby. Which is a pity as I think their next meeting face to face would tell a lot

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