Guard of honour

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Doing a guard of honour when you're not even top.... typical RS!

Its that sort of behaviour, along with their cringe-worthy flags, scarves, banners and anthems that makes me despise those beauts!

Haha, you couldn't even make it up if you where driving through through amserdam with hunter.s.thompson and a boot full of mushies!!

It's like they're one big experiment but they don't know!
oh god, that's very small time. i mean i know it was a big game for them at home to sunderland and all that, but still.

like others have said a guard of honour for winning something of note. not an away win at the 7th placed team in the prem, if that's what it was in aid of.

I'd like to think that if anything like this was to be set up by the opposition for any Everton away game then we'd take it over and there'd be Blues all over the route. Be great that.
as the team bus came to the ground they were all stood round with loads of flags scarfs and flares.

hahahaha, their cup final :lol:

They can never, ever, call us 'small time' ever again..........may that clip bounce around the t'interweb for the rest of eternity.
About as cringeworthy and unecessary as the one we gave Moyes.
They've haven't won anything yet, what a bad, bad set of beauts they are.
If that had been spontaneous it would be impressive. But, as usual with all RS shows, it was called for and orchestrated. Embarassing.
I hate all this orchestrated and planned stuff from any team. It's a load of fake support guff.

Same with the whole "wall of sound" thing Dortmund have going on every game.
I've known plenty of people go to Bundesliga games and they've all said the same...before the match it's amazing to see/hear as it's so loud and constant, but when you're in the middle of a sh** game (which there are many in that league) and the fans have been constant like that for an hour, it's tedious and forced.

It's much better in England having a reactive crowd, and not many (if any) do it better than us. We love an injustice at Goodison to get us going.
And remember Moyes's last game at home against WHU? The crowd was class that day, almost to say "we're going nowhere". When the crowd was getting really going, the team upped it time and time again and scored the 2nd.

And what about when Arteta scored against Fiorentina. That noise was immense - wouldn't have been the same if there had been an hour of constant singing before it.

Save the "wall of noise" type of support for the big games like cup finals and derbies etc.

The club should just realise that no amount of schemes, plots or elaborate shenanigans is going to come anywhere near what the ground is going to be like on April 20th.
Can't believe the OP said it was impressive.

Unless he meant impressively small time. Can't figure it out.
There is a cringeworthy demeanour to those proceedings, a reek of quiet (ironically!) desperation. Perhaps I am being too cynical.

Editor's NB : most New Years celebrations carry similar reek

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