Games you have missed

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Getting locked out of the 3-2 v Wimbledon, emotions shot to pieces over the road by Stanley Park. Well bladdered that night.
Me too, and I bought a dodge ticket outside the ground for £20 (which in those days...), still didn't get in.
Ended up going for couple pints in the Arkles with few pals as nearest could squeeze into, "watched" on Grandstand score updates
Kevin Campbell at Anfield, been everyone since!! Not gonna bother this year as I feel a dead rubber coming on, will more then likely win!!
The stick I get from the lads for missing the Spurs semi in 1995 never ends. Had booked a holiday to Spain leaving that morning. Well of my absence helped us then it was worth it.

I gave my ticket away for the Ferguson/Rideout derby, my nerves were shot.

There have been plenty of times I wish I had missed the match, especially in the Walter Smith days of successive nil nils.

I didnt go to THE wimbledon game, my bro and old fella went to see the Old Lady one last time as a top flight team (their words) I refused to watch wimbledon ever again after watching too many of their games of anti football. I went over to somewhere in yorkshire to look for a new motor, on the top of the hills we were losing signal on the radio at 0-2 down, and was rather disbelieving when we came back into radio contact still a top flight team.
I'll miss the cup final if we get there this year. It feels like the worst thing in the world :( I've never seen us win anything... I've watched this crap for nearly twenty years barely missing a game and the one time we realistically look like having a chance at something... Of course, we aren't even there yet. But still... :(
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