Farhad Moshiri

7+ Years On... Your Verdict On Farhad Moshiri

  • Pleased

    Votes: 106 7.8%
  • Disappointed

    Votes: 1,259 92.2%

  • Total voters
Ok so whilst each will get one vote, the significance of share holding carries more weight?

In the case of a casting vote the Chair has to take into account the wishes of shareholders. There's no formal SH vote or meeting, he just needs to use his judgement to consider what is in the interests of the majority of shareholders. If he fails to do that he is open to legal action on the basis of his prejudicial actions.
Even if it was the case, and I'm not convinced it is, the Chairman cannot use his casting vote just to carry his own view. He must take into account the interests of shareholders. Given that scenario the Chair could not vote against the wishes of Moshiri and Woods for example.
Seems a dangerous game to be playing with the man that has been brought in to ultimately turn the club round.
Seems a dangerous game to be playing with the man that has been brought in to ultimately turn the club round.

No, its usual business practice - the old guard want their representation on the Board, and until the new guard take control this is what happens. There will be formal agreements already in place prior to Moshiri taking a majority stake, limiting what the board can do, subject to the interests of the majority.

There's nothing to see here, it's a non event.
In the case of a casting vote the Chair has to take into account the wishes of shareholders. There's no formal SH vote or meeting, he just needs to use his judgement to consider what is in the interests of the majority of shareholders. If he fails to do that he is open to legal action on the basis of his prejudicial actions.

Ok thanks a lot.

Even if it was the case, and I'm not convinced it is, the Chairman cannot use his casting vote just to carry his own view. He must take into account the interests of shareholders. Given that scenario the Chair could not vote against the wishes of Moshiri and Woods for example.

Could it conceivably be RE/BK v JW/FM on decisions with casting vote given to BK as chairman?

Don't believe that Elstone would go against Moshiri's wishes personally... he is self serving and will do whats best for numero uno, and for all intensive purposes Kenwright is on his was out over the next year or so. Not great shakes career wise by voting against the new owner.
Ok so whilst each will get one vote, the significance of share holding carries more weight?

My understanding isn't that of the Esk however I would say the bigger worry is that Kenwright can convince Moshiri to change his mind or at least put off his decision.

Moshiri is within .2% of owning a majority share and doing as he chooses. I doubt Kenwirght would try to hold him up bureaucratically, it would be silly. He may try and convince him along the lines of "Everton is a club that doesn't sack managers" etc.

My understanding isn't that of the Esk however I would say the bigger worry is that Kenwright can convince Moshiri to change his mind or at least put off his decision.

Moshiri is within .2% of owning a majority share and doing as he chooses. I doubt Kenwirght would try to hold him up bureaucratically, it would be silly. He may try and convince him along the lines of "Everton is a club that doesn't sack managers" etc.
Mike walker and Walter smith say hello
My understanding isn't that of the Esk however I would say the bigger worry is that Kenwright can convince Moshiri to change his mind or at least put off his decision.

Moshiri is within .2% of owning a majority share and doing as he chooses. I doubt Kenwirght would try to hold him up bureaucratically, it would be silly. He may try and convince him along the lines of "Everton is a club that doesn't sack managers" etc.

I have to say I don't share the view at all that Kenwright is dead keen to retain Martinez. If you see that "what a manager" comment in the context it was said in - Bill, tired excited and emotional, playing up to the cameras, he hasn't really got himself into the sort of lather he used to reserve for Moyes for about two years.

He's gone from "the man who has made two boss manager appointments, blue bill" to the man who has his judgement questioned again - and the old spectres of evertonbusiness failure are starting to loom again. If WHP falls through he's failed on three stadium moves. Martinez is hardly helping him here - No good wins or finals to distract an increasingly restless fanbase.

We're in a new era- the great financial leap forward we've all waited for - and Bill won't want to be put totally in the shade by Saint Moshiri. If he thinks Martinez is going to take him down with him he will happily cut him loose.

It goes without saying that Woods wants Martinez out, his storming out at the Derby sealed that vote. And Elstone has been an absolute disgrace; he'll be desperate to cling on, so he'll side with the big new man in town.

Genuinely think the "so, shall we Sack him at the end of the season lads?" vote was extremely one sided. The rumours of "bill sticking by Martinez" will be press briefings for the benefit of uncle William, how he fought tooth and nail, never wants to sack a manager if he doesn't have to etc etc. I reckon in reality there is unanimity
Been thinking about it and feel more and more like Moshiri is putting all his cards on the table this first season. Whether we keep Martinez or get a new manager, they're going to have a tremendous budget. I feel like Moshiri hopes one huge injection of cash will carry us straight into a Champions League spot. Barkley/Stones/Lukaku will probably all be offered huge contracts going into the summer. We'll be going after high profile players offering them massive wages to offset the clubs current position. It feels sort of make or break. Moshiri isn't worth much in terms of other PL owners and a 100-150m injection is a lot for him. Dunno just a thought.
I know someone who has worked with Kenwright before (in theatre) and apparently he's absolutely ruthless when he wants to be. When I asked about him I was surprised (rather naively) to hear that behind closed doors he's a lot different to the Bill we see on TV.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Pays as little as humanly possible for 'production values'. Used to get slated almost weekly in The Stage newspaper by various actors etc.
