Everton Named In Top 15 Most Valuable Brands In World Football

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My favourite bit is that they are claiming the badge fiasco to be a win for public relations.

Ie after completely ignoring the fans and pretty much everything the club stood for in releasing the initial badge, they backflipped once the screaming piss was taken out of them by all and sundry.

Well done Everton.
yes, a sort of localised inner ring rail for match ticket holders and a few select merchandisers

pensioners travel free obvs


This is utter drival, brand league, you can keep it, like Norways what if jarg tables.

The real info here lies behind why the club felt the need to publicise - very odd.

Anyway jarg.
There's more chance of a sale if were champions league contenders, as in qualifying the odd season and not just grasping for 4th. But wed be fools to seek to someone who doesn't care for the club itself and like many owners who took over English clubs, after the profit, like a mike Ashley figure.

itd take some amount of money to turn us into a title contender, look at the money the redshabite and spurs are spending. So all wed be is a slightly better version of the team we are now when were at our best, not run away titlists, that eras gone, Unless bill gates turned up decked out in royal blue.

an interesting question is how many of the current set up would still be there if the dream happened and we had a squad like Chelsea's?

Knewright hit the jackpot when he appointed Moyes. He basically transformed the club into a top half team and kept all the fans onside. The likes of Mike Ashley aren't worlds apart from Kenwright, other than the fact the latter made an astute managerial appointment a decade or so ago.
That a good point, i may have come across as one off the bill-ievers (sorry) but im not really, i don't get all misty eyed over the rescue from the kopite, and his list of financial disasters speaks for itself.
what i mean really is an abramovich type, he genuinely cares for Chelsea and is wedged

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