Everton 3-2 Wimbledon, 1994.

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I don't care, Hans Segars played his part in keeping us up and i will forever be thankful for it

A draw would have kept us up, I think

Fink we still needed a win mate, all the same, the best and worst day. Saying that though, the last day in 1998 was the most horrible day ever, that was the most nervous i have EVER been.

Still the right result on both occasions!
A draw would have kept us up, I think

Not exactly, if it had been a draw then we would of been on 42 points with 41 scored and 63 against.

sheffield united finished in the last relegation place by losing at Chelsea if memory serves, with 42 points and 42 for and 60 against, Oldham played Norwich at Carrow road on the same day, finished in 21st place, 42 for and 68 against,40 points, Swindon were rock bottom with 47 for and 100 against, 30 points.

the point being, if Segers, either by fault or design, :dodgy:, had not let that in/ Stuart had not scored when he did, everton would of finished on the same points (42) as Sheffield, but with a worse goal difference.

the south yorkshire club were relegated just below the survival line.

You do the math.
This was the last game before i left for Australia,I could not go that day but i had time to drive past the ground and we scored the 3rd just as i was going past the park end,Oh what a memory;)
What kept was up was Holdsworth missing a hatful of chances. They could have been about 4-0 up by half-time.

So maybe someone paid him instead? Or the ref who gave away that soft penalty for Limpar?

(Yeah, that's silly but so is talking about paying the keeper as well).

Burning the Wimbledon team coach, intimidating their players, dodgy goalies jumping under and over shots: we got the job done. ;)
For me Coventry was worse, even though i was at both, i didn't understand properly v wimbledon, but coventry was unreal, farrelly actually scored, shithouse barmby missed a pen. Chelsea's goals brought delirium!
Didn't we also rely on Mark Stein scoring for Chelsea in the last minute against Sheffield United also?
What a day though! I remember seeing people lining the trees behind the Park End, which had been demolished, and I also remember CJ Lewis "Sweets for my Sweet" was number one, the rest is a haze!
Yes, i should have a soft spot for them, saving us on two occasions when alot of other clubs would play a weakened team against a club trying to avoid relegation

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