Disgraceful management of our club

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Player Valuation: £50m
So.. here we are. 3 days before the start of the season, having let several experienced first teamers leave, half the squad injured, a wantaway center half, and no new recruits except a few reserve players.

Fcking disgraceful. This should be our chance to close the gap to the top that we know is still there, but Kenwright and the club is afraid to take the step up from mediocrity. We are anything but NSNO at the moment. What a joke. Head need to fcking well roll.
Then when we fall just short again this season there'll be the convenient excuses "Oh, we couldn't get the players we needed."

My prediction? Ferguson will retire at the end of this season, and Moyes will be headhunted by the Mancs. Who would refuse a board who could actually get things done?

I'm past getting raged by it all. Theres [Poor language removed] all we can do, so just support the team and what will be, will be.
Then when we fall just short again this season there'll be the convenient excuses "Oh, we couldn't get the players we needed."

My prediction? Ferguson will retire at the end of this season, and Moyes will be headhunted by the Mancs. Who would refuse a board who could actually get things done?

Or headhunted mid-season by City

I dont think they're afraid to take the step up, they just dont have the money to do it....or, rather, the only man on the board with any real financial clout is some Spurs supporting half-arsed Yank intent on seeing how a stadium scheme pans out. Things will change soon with the DK decision...although I'm aware that might sound like 'it'll all be over by Christmas' wishful thinking. :lol:

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