Credit where credit it due....and how to do things with respect

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Leighton Baines should have his name sung at every game. Gives you some belief back in football.

On the subject of Baines, I can say from first hand experience that the man is class. My son and I had the opportunity to get his autograph in Miami during the preseason after the game against Valencia. It was very late, about midnight, and went down the line and signed for EVERYONE that wanted his signature. This was despite, a coach, older bald gentlemen, whose name escapes me, beeping the on the horn for him to get on the bus.
I am surprised by Moyes though, expected him to have a bit more class.

Bobby seems to be twice the man he is. How he ever put up with that prize **** Whelan, I'll never know, what a complete muppet!
Bk knows how Moyes works, great result the fell dead, be funny as hell if he gets sent off first game. Fell would never fit in to our new style of play, he's to slow, great touch and great control but also easy to annoy and gets a few bans right when we need him.

In all fairness I'd say we have done well, signed 7 decent player all but 1 with prem experience.
We've lost A huge amount on the wage bill as well. Have a younger squad and in McCarthy you have a player that knows how Martinez works and doesn't need to learn the Martinez way.

Lets hope Lukaku does what he did at West Brom.

one thing i'd disagree with here....we totally tried to low-ball Wigan. Payment over 4 years....

If true that was a bit embarassing, it wouldn't surprise me one dot if it was that wingnut Dave Whelan trying to get 5 minutes of code red out of Jim White, though.
Made an absolute arse of himself. He's had his words pushed right back down his throat. And now he's under massive pressure himself. Sweet as a nut.

Agreed, he'd like the world to believe that Moyes FC will struggle on and buckle under any old pressure still, the refusal of the double deal and the overall result of Fellaini leaving settled that though.

Tit, we mugged them off nicely there.
The club did well to get £27.5m for Fellaini.

Have to laugh at Moyes talking about his knowledge of how Everton 'work', as though it'd enable him to bully them into selling on his terms. Better luck next time, Dave.

Now then....who said this?

"If someone comes for [Ross] I've always said it, it's expensive to buy off Everton in the main.

"If you're going to come and try to take our better players we don't sell cheap, that's for sure.


The irony of it all is that he paid 27.5m for felliani and apparently put a 15m bid in for baines yesterday. Thats 42m!!!! If he had approached us a month ago and offered 40m (given us adequate time to find a replacement) we would most likely have accepted this bid. As it was, he insulted the club he has just manged claiming "remember I know how everton work" whilst trying to justify this desirory bid. How this statement must be coming back to haunt him know. I dont think in particular we have screwed them over I think this to be a fair reflection of Fellianis worth. Stats wise he is one of the most effective players in the premiership and is unique due to his size and experience in the premier league, it was a fair price to pay (not a penny more or a penny less). For once which has been alluded to, credit to Kenwright for standing firm in the face of the media and standing up to united. Also a final mention to both players how they have conducted themselves. Leighton Baines you are an everton legend in the making!!!!
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It's like Kenwright always says:

"Hurt me once, shame on me. Hurt me twice, I'll keep calling your replacement 'David' at a nationally televised press conference. Hurt me thrice, I'll slice you, bitch."
Am I the only one who thinks that although we had a good night, we could have had a better transfer window overall?
My reasons are based on money, or lack of it!
With the new TV cash plus the £30m+ from Fellaini and Anichebe sales (roughly £50m in total) AND the January money we supposedly had, how come we have only spent around £30m in total?
Have we paid off a big sum from our debts? Have the board members pocketed it?
Just seems that we are all happy with the signings we have got, but basically we have only done what we have done for the last few years - sold one of our biggest assets and signed in cheaper replacements.
I feel that if we had splashed a bit more cash on another forward as well as Lukaku (who is only on loan remember) such as Rhodes or Vossen and maybe bought that Martins Indi defender (approx cost £20m in total) we would be in an even better situation.
As the squad was, I believed we needed another striker and a centre defender to take over from Distin.
And what we got was a striker in to replace a striker going out and no defender. This is why I believe we are still short in both positions.
With a bit of luck we may be able to buy Lukaku after his loan period has finished but I wouldn't bet on it.
Fingers crossed though!
Agreed, he'd like the world to believe that Moyes FC will struggle on and buckle under any old pressure still, the refusal of the double deal and the overall result of Fellaini leaving settled that though.

Tit, we mugged them off nicely there.

I dont know if he tried to fake us last night with that Herrero fiasco, but it feels like he might have been trying something amateurish like that to turn the screw on Everton. Whatever the case on that one, he's been shown up on a major stage as someone massively out of his depth in the execution of deals at an elite club. It was staggeringly poor...topped off by that late failed panic bid for Coentrao. He's tried to manage the situation by standing still and showing how resolute he is; but that level he's at now calls for a lot of strategising, flexibility and boldness.
I dont know if he tried to fake us last night with that Herrero fiasco, but it feels like he might have been trying something amateurish like that to turn the screw on Everton. Whatever the case on that one, he's been shown up on a major stage as someone massively out of his depth in the execution of deals at an elite club. It was staggeringly poor...topped off by that late failed panic bid for Coentrao. He's tried to manage the situation by standing still and showing how resolute he is; but that level he's at now calls for a lot of strategising, flexibility and boldness.

Dave, I ebb and flow with your POV at times, but you have been spot on for a while that Moyes will be found out at OT.

Funniest thing is, now the Mancs seem to be cottoning on as well.....

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