2023/24 Dominic Calvert-Lewin

I'm not here to judge Mikey, some people like to bat for both sides and that's ok.


And regardless, what he does when he's off the clock is up to him. Really all that should matter for us as supporters is what he does when he's on the clock at Everton, be that in training, in a match or anywhere in-between

He seems like a good lad and his team mates clearly like him based on that celebration, so I can deduce that he's putting the effort in behind the scenes, otherwise they wouldn't feel that way about him
If objecting to a grown man dressing as a school girl and saying he could / should be being a role model in a different more positive way makes me a knob then I’ll take that all day

I wonder what it says about you lot?

Calvert Lewin was taken advantage of, I’m sure he’s learnt from it, everyone makes mistakes. I’d be surprised if he done something similar again.
Funny enough the footballer in your user name gets up to far more nefarious activities but we’ll ignore all that.
Nor should you, you can barely think yourself
Parroting bigoted talking points isn't critical thinking
And nobody is telling you how to think,
think what you want, but don't pretend it's some sort of noble debate worthy of finding a common ground when you spew your specific brand of thought out of your head
Of course people will call you out as a knob, because you are a knob
Mate this nut has some weird obsession with Dom. Every time I've been on this thread he's there spewing out the same old tripe. Not sure if he's a RS WUM or just has a crush on our beautiful number 9. He shouldn't be ashamed of this. We all do, whether we're gay, straight or somewhere in-between.

I wouldn't say it's racism.

More homophobia, despite him probably not being gay.

He made their peepee hard in that uniform and it makes them so very angry.

But hey, let's hope he keeps playing and scoring, that's the best outcome for everybody.
I think it's a bit of everything with Dom.

There are many conservative fans who don't like him being so confidently different - presuming that can only mean he's not "focusing on football."

If objecting to a grown man dressing as a school girl and saying he could / should be being a role model in a different more positive way makes me a knob then I’ll take that all day

I wonder what it says about you lot?

Calvert Lewin was taken advantage of, I’m sure he’s learnt from it, everyone makes mistakes. I’d be surprised if he done something similar again.
Now that, we agree on
Oh dear, fans booing because a guy who’s often injured, gets injured on his return and we were in the relegation zone and no replacement to come on.

Why does it have to be over analysed as some kind of woke coffee morning (or tea if you prefer).
The world has gone mad.
@Eggs the community are accusing you of being a super vanilla Like Farmer. However I stand steadfastly with you in your moment of trying brother.
Is your Dad a farmer ? DCL has made a logical statement over the booing - IMO the whole team needed booing that game we were awful & the visiting fans paying hard-earned money to watch that humiliation of a game .....

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