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Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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I’ve never had an issue with Esk and liked him when I met him, but I wonder what angle he’s working here?

He’s a smart guy

He has to know how horrendous administration would be

What’s his motivation here?
He’s doing what everyone else who runs a podcast and other forms of media channels does:

Engaging in sensationalistic views.
Regardless , they are untrustworthy, unscrupulous and utterly unsuitable owners of any football club , sports franchise , or even business.
The overwhelming evidence is in plain view for those who wish to see it , regardless of who the messengers are.
If these shysters gain control of the club, we will be joining Liege , Hertha and Vasca supporters protesting against their ownership within a season .

None of it matters as long as they have cash, the PL has already made that clear in other deals.

From what I can tell the Liege, Hertha and Vasca did not bear this much scrutiny or require this much cash to be secured.

This is the weird conundrum of this group. I would agree that Spors, Blazquez and Dransfield have some actual substance on the football side. Listen Genoa's needs and transformation is akin to the problems and necessities with us. The portfolio in broad honestly has a lot of good pipelines for in-house transfers, talent development and scouting in said markets and a loanee development model. They've hired impressively in a short window in my opinion.

The question is a volatility in concert to our volatility asset wise. This group is brash and by all accounts are dramatically overleveraged. The speed of their implementation and accumulation surprising. I don't know this level of wealth well, are constant lawsuits of unpaid debts simply common practice or a red flag. As a fan ive been trying to sort out how different this is from common practice. The narrative it seems on 777 is that there's no more there there and the charade is up, but isnt that just this class of business? By comparison how risky is the fact they have stretched themselves too thin compared to status quo.

I get massive reservation compared to our own financial peril. I do think they would be dramatically incentivised to stick the landing with Everton. However much a mess we would be the crown jewel of the portfolio. But removed of our money woes if we were to likely take Genoa's DoF and the ex City chief strategist we could do far worse in regards to football. I personally have less reservations than some on the football end of the group, its the checks needing to be signed that gives me pause.
I have nothing to back this up, but my hunch is that it's not getting the money that's the issue, but where the money is coming from - and so trying to hide the trail.
Pushing his personal media profile on the back of the negativity surrounding the club, yes there are others doing it also but his is the name that crops up on this site more often than most.

In that case the more we talk about him the more that suits the agenda you say he has.

No criticism of you here, I’m reading twitter replies to his latest tweets and you would think the fella ran the club into the ground the way some go on. I understand disagreement, I don’t agree with him sometimes either but the way some go about it, something is off about it. And what a surprise some of them are the same people who defended the board regardless , who , in some cases the most obnoxious possible way too.

He seems to have to take more accountability than the previous custodians and that’s not right is it. If what you say is true it’s hardly a big deal in the grand scheme of things is it? Why don’t people just ignore him if he’s all about profile.

And I bet you any money he’s disliked by people at the club and some of these having a go on twitter are pally or have been pally with certain individuals at the club such as the comms/engagement department.

The club is on its backside and people are more bothered and angry by what some fella in the states with a blog says.
In that case the more we talk about him the more that suits the agenda you say he has.

No criticism of you here, I’m reading twitter replies to his latest tweets and you would think the fella ran the club into the ground the way some go on. I understand disagreement, I don’t agree with him sometimes either but the way some go about it, something is off about it. And what a surprise some of them are the same people who defended the board regardless , who , in some cases the most obnoxious possible way too.

He seems to have to take more accountability than the previous custodians and that’s not right is it. If what you say is true it’s hardly a big deal in the grand scheme of things is it? Why don’t people just ignore him if he’s all about profile.

And I bet you any money he’s disliked by people at the club and some of these having a go on twitter are pally or have been pally with certain individuals at the club such as the comms/engagement department.

The club is on its backside and people are more bothered and angry by what some fella in the states with a blog says.
Has put himself out there before as an ITK and came unstuck and was discussed on here, I commented as his name came up once again , I'm not on X but get a little fed up of him being quoted in other media as if he had a direct line to the owners of the club whereas in reality he just has an opinion like the rest of us.
Has put himself out there before as an ITK and came unstuck and was discussed on here, I commented as his name came up once again , I'm not on X but get a little fed up of him being quoted in other media as if he had a direct line to the owners of the club whereas in reality he just has an opinion like the rest of us.

I wouldn’t let it get to you mate. If that’s how you feel I suggest apathy is the solution.

I’m not a fan of a couple of fan media folk, I don’t regard them, they want attention so I don’t give them any.

Sometimes it’s best to just sit back and let people do their own thing because when it’s all said and done, the truth, whatever that may be, will reveal itself in some form.

I stand by what I said, I strongly suspect there are fans who are pally with people at the club and it plays a part in why they act this way and why they defended the likes of Bill Kenwright.

And where has that got us? Well just look at it. For all their shame tactics about negativity it’s not worked has it. Still falling way behind.

Two things for me...total guesswork:

A: Esk has been mentioned a number of times in the media 'recently'. I believe in both the mail (might be a different paper) and also the guardian. He is referred to as being "An expert on Everton" or something similar.

B: If it was a non-Evertonian putting out the same mesaage it would fit perfectly that he is aligned with another buyer waiting in the wings.

Administration would mean a much lower price for that buyer.

Again, total guesswork and i dont know him or have any actual info at all.

Hopefully hes just lost his way a little.

I do tend to think he should stop at this point as its a bit like Chico with his alias' on twitter now.
Brand building…..he will be a panellist on Soccer Saturday before we know it!!!
None of it matters as long as they have cash, the PL has already made that clear in other deals.

From what I can tell the Liege, Hertha and Vasca did not bear this much scrutiny or require this much cash to be secured.

It matters to me , obviously.
But it’s all academic as they don’t have the cash anyway , and their credit rating has dropped significantly.
Administration….. if it doesn’t finish the club could we’ll see us in League 1 season after next playing in GP with BMD nearly finished.

If 777 do buy us, that means huge amounts of our debts are gone and we have a chance of staying up.

I know which I’d prefer

what about the debts 777 have? that’s getting lashed on us

either way these are guna own us now
People have debated the message, there's hundreds of pages debating the message again and again and again. No one wants 777 but it is what it is currently and there isn't a thing either you or I can do about that until it plays out

No one is shooting the messenger, but fans have the right to be critical of someone who seems to think he speaks for all fans and knows what's best for the club and suggests administration is better for the club than 777 taking over. 13 days ago (I've posted it above) someone mentioned it looked like he was suggesting administration was better and it was rebuffed saying he's not saying that at all. Well, this morning he's posted that's exactly what he's saying, that administration would be better than getting taken over by 777.

Administration, right at this moment in time sinks this club into oblivion.

777 obvs are buying us i think the PL are dragging it to see if we get more points off

then go oh ok

but it’s dodgy as f to have been this long

this is guna be were we have owners who won’t do a thing coz they can’t and they sell anything that moves
