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Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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That logic doesn't follow.

The next in line would doubtless offer Moshiri less. It doesn't mean they'd be worse owners, just a worse option for him personally to sell to.
I think Moshiri is dot doing brilliantly out of this deal but at least these owners have a plan . That plan may or may not work and to date it is hardly a stellar success.

However, I have major doubts that the next investor up(if there is one) will be a better option.
I think Moshiri is dot doing brilliantly out of this deal but at least these owners have a plan . That plan may or may not work and to date it is hardly a stellar success.

However, I have major doubts that the next investor up(if there is one) will be a better option.
What is their plan?

Isn't that the question we all need answering before we asses whether this is good or bad for Everton?
Is more that i am worried if the 777 deal does not happen now, with the loans msp and 777. Would be more money to pay out for the loans ect and if he sticks to the price he wants will be hard to see who would want to come in for us. I am past being angry with him now just want him out of the club has made mistakes listening to the wrong people. Difference is somebody like kenwright claims of being a fan ect and will not put the club first so he can keep having a say here

We are in a difficult position, who would come in for us with the debts, we have that is $64.000 question.
MSP was a totally different scenario to the full takeover from 777.
They were only "investing" in 25% of the club , to me that would have been a disaster with Moshiri & Kenwright still running the club. Moshiri not putting up anymore money in it would just be kicking the can down the road and the club deeper in debt.

If there's a worry 777 come in for a quick flip they would have to do everything right to make it attractive to any prospective buyers ( hopefully an Oil state that wants a finished product )

Of course we all want a Sheik to rock up & that may happen in the future .

Either way this deal has to happen.

With regards to liquid cash and lawsuits, 777 do seem suspect. But if you read into what they have actually done at the clubs they are involved with, and not just twitter pictures of banners, you'll see that by and large they've had a plan, they've put good footballing people at the top, and clubs within the multi-club structure are benefiting from shared scouting resources and player trading.

They might not be the ideal, but I am confident they'll be a vast improvement on Moshiri and Kenwright. Plus let's be honest, we need a takeover as Moshiri simply does not access to the cash he needs to maintain us nor does he want to.

Would encourage everyone to listen to this:

I think the MSP equity offer option would've only been the prelude to either a bigger or full take-over, as it was apparent by that point that Moshiri was finished and wanted out.... and I'm not sure BK would've survived that deal or their greater involvement. The other benefit of MSP is that it wouldn't have involved this multi-club model..... we've no idea how that is supposed to work, with seemingly few of the current portfolio actually singing its praises, as far as I'm aware.
Agree with that other than if MSP ( who we didn't know their intentions) were to come on board eventually, we would still have at the very least Moshiri involved.
It could take years for a full staged buy out from them , I don't think we have that time tbh.Thats even if they did want full control.

Just as with 777 the same questions would be asked where would they get the money from , are they going to laden the club with huge debts ? Would it be leaveraged against the stadium ? Would they drain the TV monies ? Would they then flip us ?
What is the strategy for the playing side ?

I don't see that as anything better than what 777 are in it for tbh.

I have no love of 777... or any particular hate either tbh.

However, I don't understand the logic that if the deal for 777 falls through then we may magically find better owners. The probability is that if 777 are not approved then the next line of investors(if there are any) will be even worse.

I think if any investor existed with deep pockets who was ambitious for Everton to become a successful and wealthy club would already have expressed their interest.

I do think however that Moshiri is selling not because he wants but because he needs to and if this sale falls through then I think we may then be in a very bad place.

Don't know about "better"

But the guess is that Moshiri drops his asking price to £200-300mill in desperation...which then opens the flood gates IMO.
With regards to liquid cash and lawsuits, 777 do seem suspect. But if you read into what they have actually done at the clubs they are involved with, and not just twitter pictures of banners, you'll see that by and large they've had a plan, they've put good footballing people at the top, and clubs within the multi-club structure are benefiting from shared scouting resources and player trading.

They might not be the ideal, but I am confident they'll be a vast improvement on Moshiri and Kenwright. Plus let's be honest, we need a takeover as Moshiri simply does not access to the cash he needs to maintain us nor does he want to.

Would encourage everyone to listen to this:

What they're doing is in its infancy. Will take a couple more years to judge it as a success of not.

The bottom line is that they're not owners who throw cash at the squad which I think is the big cause of the their fume.
What they're doing is in its infancy. Will take a couple more years to judge it as a success of not.

The bottom line is that they're not owners who throw cash at the squad which I think is the big cause of the their fume.
Would like to know how many teams in Europe's top leagues have owners who do just lob money left, right and center.

I get that fear fume in principle, but we just need to be ran better and smarter for a few years before we can think about splashing the cash again.
Would like to know how many teams in Europe's top leagues have owners who do just lob money left, right and center.

I get that fear fume in principle, but we just need to be ran better and smarter for a few years before we can think about splashing the cash again.

Nothing much would change from the past couple of years in regards to spending with us in that respects.

Again, will come down to the management decisions.
A lot will depend on how much debt (if any) is loaded onto the club as a result of the buyout and stadium etc..... and how they service it.

If the debt is high, then the last thing we need are new cash-strapped owners hoping for a big pay day. We need people who can at least absorb that debt, and preferably fund some team building too. I don't think these have shown that they will do that anywhere.

Hopefully, they are simply a means to an end in terms of the stadium completion and the last remnants of the current regime.

I feel we have missed a marketing trick here. Whilst many clubs have besome the sportswash for corrupt and bigoted regimes and political leaders, effectively making their brand look so good. Everton are the opposite. We could take a boring financial group and with our heady mix of boardroom shenanigans, fan posturing and on pitch performances - we could make them look awful.
So if anyone were deliberately shorting themselves, then buy into us!!
If your image is 'too' clean we are your solution.
A lot will depend on how much debt (if any) is loaded onto the club as a result of the buyout and stadium etc..... and how they service it.

If the debt is high, then the last thing we need are new cash-strapped owners hoping for a big pay day. We need people who can at least absorb that debt, and preferably fund some team building too. I don't think these have shown that they will do that anywhere.

Hopefully, they are simply a means to an end in terms of the stadium completion and the last remnants of the current regime.

I consider myself a reasonably intelligent bloke, with a background (loosely) in business and finance. (A majority of 1 at the last count mind).

But I just cannot get my head round this 777 stuff.
I consider myself a reasonably intelligent bloke, with a background (loosely) in business and finance. (A majority of 1 at the last count mind).

But I just cannot get my head round this 777 stuff.

Nor can I. They just look like opportunists. Saw a desperate owner with a commission hanging over his club and needing a lot of cash to finish the stadium he started.

Who knows, maybe they'll surprise us.
