6 + 2 Point Deductions

The teller for me will be when the other affected teams will get their points deduction. If uts this season, we may see them fall below us, or within easy reach, even with out 10 robbed.

If the prem dilly dally and do it next season, so that we cannot possibly benefit and (as usual) are the first to suffer their sanctions, then I think it starts to show a clear vendetta.

Get rid of a sleeping giant before a new stadium breathes life unto it so they can challenge sky's comfy, easy selling brands to the armchairs around Europe. They don't know how that will affect sales, so they don't want it.
If they manage to get the 2nd ffp charge and any possible appeal completed by end of season or shortly after, it makes this length of time for the 1st appeal to be decided even more of a DISGRACE!!!!!!
I actually don’t think any of the clubs and Everton are in that number ever though that points deductions were likely
The club were confident it wouldn't have been a points deduction. When we were right in a relegation battle they were looking at spending big on players knowing full well that we would be breaking the rules. They thought it was more important to buy players and secure safety with a slap on the wrist the likely punishment. In the end they didn't spend big anyway. But the club never thought we would get anywhere near a points deduction, nevermind 10.

The club were confident it wouldn't have been a points deduction. When we were right in a relegation battle they were looking at spending big on players knowing full well that we would be breaking the rules. They thought it was more important to buy players and secure safety with a slap on the wrist the likely punishment. In the end they didn't spend big anyway. But the club never thought we would get anywhere near a points deduction, nevermind 10.
Not too sure that my team thought differently

I would love to see clubs actual P&S Submissions it would add massively to the debate and also we could get a true handle on how close clubs actually are to the number.

It may come over as if I agree with the concept and indeed the process actually I think it’s so flawed as to be beyond belief but above all I just shake my head at the true position of clubs like Arsenal in particular who now find themselves in debt to circa £700 million to their owners yet less than 10 years ago all we heard about was how much cash on hand they had.

If FFP was about debt then fair enough but it’s not and something I will repeat if people think a regulator will improve things then sorry I think they are in for a huge shock
Can't wait to see the fume in this thread when the Appeal decision is released particularly if we don't receive any points back. Sincerely hope that is not the case but all we can do is sit and prepare for now and then see what the second charge brings.

Btw, I can very well imagine that if we do get points back then the latter charge will see points deducted and we will be back to where we started.

Cue Status Quo.

The club is clearly seen as a soft touch / wounded animal / sacrificial lamb - part of a different league to the one that they see makes the global money (ie. top 6 or whatever).

I've settled on the conspiracy that to stop the breakaway league, they are trying to keep the rich clubs content that they have their monopoy - whether it be these financial constraints on competition, or restricting multi-club co-operation etc.

I'd rather we be ruffling the PL, who also look a little wobbly, than playing victim.

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