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  1. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Hate Liverpool? Tbh I’m thinking that’s one from our economist correspondent 😂
  2. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Certainly it should nearly be a case of handing over the files on the clubs part. No doubt including a hand written “there’s no more money” note 😂
  3. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Dunno about needing to sell Roma but it will deffo take a couple of months to do a deal at minimum.
  4. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Think means he might buy all Moshiri’s shares or just some? Clearly doesn’t want to rush spending any money until he’s done his due diligence. Equity bit im not so sure on. 😂
  5. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Yeah it’s just people filling an information vacuum with speculation. I imagine it will take a bit of time to choose the preferred bidder. Don’t think it’s as simple as Moshiri picking the one he likes the sound of. Presumably there’s preliminary work to be done before moving forward to a period...
  6. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Yup. It’s pretty widely accepted that none of those oligarch types operated without say so from Putin. I mean im not condoning human rights abuses in any way. It’s just that we can’t disconnect ourselves from the world. We buy products made in China, petrol and diesel from god knows where and...
  7. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Absolutely. We’re not making the decision and we aren’t privy to what bidders’ plans are for the club or who is backing them. I mean we all knew who was bankrolling Moshiri and from a morality point of view Usmanov is highly questionable as are all the oligarchs who profiteered from the collapse...
  8. J

    2023/24 Sean Dyche

    Another one we lost to the blasted barcodes. What a player.
  9. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Tbh it’s difficult to make an informed choice about any of the bids given there’s no real communication about plans for the club other than a few sound bites being briefed via the media. Let the chips fall where they may! Hopefully whoever comes in sorts out the finances and gets us back on...
  10. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    In essence it’s irrelevant whether an owner is an Evertonian or not. It’s more relevant that they can run the club competently. Whether they spent their formative years in the Boys Pen or not, whoever owns the club will be a de facto Evertonian due to their vested interest in seeing the club...
  11. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    R Quite possibly. Or it was any port in a storm when things were looking considerably bleaker given points deductions and relegation on the horizon.
  12. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    We’ve got to have realistic expectations. Probably a couple of seasons bumping around the bottom half before wriggle room for spending. Also potential owners probably see the stadium as a cash cow for events etc. They might be quite happy to fund mid table mediocrity, guaranteed PL revenue etc...
  13. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Re 777 I suspect the reason Moshiri went with them was they were the only seemingly viable proposal at the time (despite being hugely dodgy) and no doubt in part because of looming points and deductions and potential relegation being factored in. Circumstances have now changed so presumably...
  14. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Not a serious billionaire lol
  15. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    that is to say there are unknown billionaires we don’t know are unknown
  16. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    It’s really just the media filling a void while the exclusivity agreement was in place.
  17. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Well there are billionaires and there are billionaires according to folks on here lol
  18. J

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    If they’re backed by a serious billionaire as per reports then all good! Definitely more exciting to have people with an affinity for football in charge. Doesn’t matter if they’re Evertonians or not but that’s a bonus. Main thing is they sort out the finances and run the club properly.
  19. J

    2023/24 Dominic Calvert-Lewin

    That’s dreamland lol but would be good!
  20. J

    2023/24 Sean Dyche

    Yeah my first big Everton memory was losing the 89 cup final to the RS. I was 8. Kind of assumed we’d be playing in cup finals every year and competing for trophies and it didn’t really play out like that lol