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  1. ste d' indica

    Group B: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania

    Lovely ball, lovely control, deserved a goal.
  2. ste d' indica

    Group B: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania

    They've had much better, it's OK. Germany's are usually a thing of beauty but again this year's its 'alright', ditto France. Surprisingly, England have possibly clinched it this tournament.
  3. ste d' indica

    Group B: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania

    Keepers having a great game. *calamity incoming...
  4. ste d' indica

    Group B: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania

    Peach of a ball in that.
  5. ste d' indica

    Group B: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania

    The pub quiz question lands - brilliant.
  6. ste d' indica

    Group B: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania

  7. ste d' indica

    General Euros chatter

    Herself was buying cheap webs for walking to work in Sports Direct, I was having a look at the footy shirts. That purple England away shirt that all the gammons lost their heads over is genuinely lovely.
  8. ste d' indica

    Group B: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania

    Really loving all this increased technical analysis, really adds to the game, I'm surprised I've managed to enjoy football all these years without it.
  9. ste d' indica

    Kevin Campbell RIP SUPER KEV

    All these photos and videos you folks are posting are simultaneously breaking my heart and bringing me incredible joy. Hold your loved ones a little closer today blues.
  10. ste d' indica

    Kevin Campbell RIP SUPER KEV

    Heartbroken. RIP Kev. One of us - true Everton family.
  11. ste d' indica

    Group A: Germany, Scotland, Hungary, Switzerland

    It's not the profession, gender or nationality that's winding me up, it's the blatant shilling for technology in football. Think ITV have failed to read the room here completely.
  12. ste d' indica

    Group A: Germany, Scotland, Hungary, Switzerland

    My money was on one of the mobile networks, 'kin mad.
  13. ste d' indica

    Group A: Germany, Scotland, Hungary, Switzerland

    I didn't see that KFC ad coming to be fair.
  14. ste d' indica

    Group A: Germany, Scotland, Hungary, Switzerland

    I'm hoping he calls Klopp for some consolation after the game. And Klopp completely ghosts him. Then Klopp goes back to find his hotel room is flooded. Then he stands on some some lego.
  15. ste d' indica

    Group A: Germany, Scotland, Hungary, Switzerland

    You can say that again. And again.
  16. ste d' indica

    Group A: Germany, Scotland, Hungary, Switzerland

    I love Scotland and it's passionate and proud folk But I'm struggling to get past that rat Robertson, can't lie.
  17. ste d' indica

    General Euros chatter

  18. ste d' indica

    Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'? - poll reset 13th June

    Absolutely. In the first scenario you could end up sleeping under a motorway bridge. In the second you could end up encased in one.