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  1. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    She's not been on here for a few weeks, but when she's next on I'm sure @coleenr will be taking this up with Danny and yourself.
  2. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    Haha, no mate, wrong animal. Cats, or to be more accurate, a common synonym for cats were in a picture I took many, many years ago, probably in a time when El Bob Hat Twit and his dozy mate were still in Primary School.
  3. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    It was a scene of a sexual nature so you're closer to the truth than you thought mate :oops:
  4. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    They'll have a bot doing regular reverse image searches. Without going into too much detail, a copyrighted pic of mine was lifted from the internet years ago and I occassionally did reverse searches of it and then asked sites to remove it or pay a fee. Using a bot makes it easier, but the...
  5. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    I'm not sure that'd help.
  6. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

  7. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    Wayne's become a bloated fat bugger purely to make his lòllipops look smaller.
  8. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    We're, rather stupidly, relying on @the sniderman for the former and yea I am mate, ta for asking.
  9. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    You're rather missing the point mate. That's one of the few benefits of being a mod on here.
  10. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

  11. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    At least have the courage to tag @Zatara in !
  12. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    Try to keep up Samuel ... Also ... I can confirm this, though, to be fair to Danny, we were far more troublesome than the posters.
  13. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

  14. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    I think we all know Andy's got a decent sense of humour and will take the pee taking in good heart.
  15. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    It'd be tremendous if one of the mods could change Andy's avatar to something like
  16. Woolly Blue

    Best Everton pod/channel

    To be honest, I only logged on to see if Bungle had reappeared, but still managed to find my wooden spoon.
  17. Woolly Blue

    Best Everton pod/channel

    I don't listen to any of the podcasts, I've given most of them a try but, on the whole, they all seem a bit self-indulgent, something as an egotist myself I can fully relate to. However, the twitter wars do make them a bit more interesting.
  18. Woolly Blue

    Whatever the hell you like

    Happy to help.
  19. Woolly Blue

    2023/24 Dele

    Not unless he's taken up woodwork as a hobby while injured.
  20. Woolly Blue

    Sad News - Our friend, Roydo

    Looks hopeful, this is the woman who runs it