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  1. mahermi1

    John Textor

    He does have other clubs though, a Brazilian one could be interesting. Yes we should be wary, but at the moment beggars can't be choosers, we're on our arse.
  2. mahermi1

    The tale of legendary Everton manager Harry Catterick:

    The selling of Ball to Arsenal was a horrendous mistake. Ball was a great player, probably my favourite ever, but he was never a Captain, no player could live up to his expectations. That Everton team should well have won more, at that time there was also a fantastic Leeds United team to...
  3. mahermi1

    New Everton Stadium Discussion

    You absolute jinx ! If I see as much as an ice-cube in the Mersey never mind an ice- berg Macca....
  4. mahermi1

    New Everton Stadium Discussion

    We don't want bloody tinsel around it..wait a minute
  5. mahermi1

    New Everton Stadium Discussion

    Oops, sorry about that Ladies and Gentlemen......( Fighting behind the scenes) it was the Wife !
  6. mahermi1

    John Textor

    Good God imagine how many points Dickie could deduct us then, he must be overjoyed.
  7. mahermi1

    New Everton Stadium Discussion

    Love the start of his videos, like a 60's game show, " Morning Ladies and Gentlemen " :lol:
  8. mahermi1

    So who will it be?

    Think there running the other way mate..
  9. mahermi1

    So who will it be?

    The Labour party, ( well they are supposed to be interested in big business now and nothing else )
  10. mahermi1

    777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

    Thank Christ hope that's true so we can move on.
  11. mahermi1

    777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

    Betya they are sorry they ever heard the name Everton.
  12. mahermi1

    John Textor

    One thing in his favour he wont have are old "world class " board of Directors handicapping him. That's a big plus.
  13. mahermi1

    New Everton Stadium Discussion

    No I'm sorry mate even shittier deaf joke. ;)
  14. mahermi1

    New Everton Stadium Discussion

    What ?
  15. mahermi1

    2023/24 Jarrad Branthwaite

    Yes they want our players cheap and a stadium paid for by the Council, Tory Jim Ratcliffe what a card..
  16. mahermi1

    John Textor

    Sah ! 👩‍✈️
  17. mahermi1

    2023/24 Jarrad Branthwaite

    I think he is the easier and cheaper to replace.
  18. mahermi1

    2023/24 Jarrad Branthwaite

    He's the only acceptable sale for me, if we sell Branthwaite/ Pickford we might as well give up because we will never get anywhere near the quality of player back in with our financial constraints.
  19. mahermi1

    John Textor

    Usmanov had no problem selling his shares to Kroenke if that's how you spell it.
  20. mahermi1

    John Textor

    Usmanov bought Moshiri's shares at Arsenal and Moshiri bought can happen.