Unpopular opinion, but I dont think Oliver got the hand ball wrong. At least in line with the rules. It wasn't an unnatural arm position and if it was the other way around and they gave hand ball, I think it would be harsh.

Not saying he's a great ref by any stretch. Just think you're all clutching here.
We better be one of the clubs who vote to bin it at least in it's current form used by these absolute muppets. Loads of middle aged jumped up knobheads with a superiority complex making terrible decisions week in week out.

Howard Webb can f'ck clean off as well the bald tw,t.
Unpopular opinion, but I dont think Oliver got the hand ball wrong. At least in line with the rules. It wasn't an unnatural arm position and if it was the other way around and they gave hand ball, I think it would be harsh.

Not saying he's a great ref by any stretch. Just think you're all clutching here.
Unnatural arm position is only for ball to hand accidental hand ball, not for deliberately controlling the ball. Maybe the most senior ref in the league got confused too.

If a defender did this in the box it would be a penalty.
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There's a difference between the ball being pinged at you and it hitting your arm and using it knowing it's going to help to control the ball whether it's in a natural position or not and just because the arm isn't in an unnatural position doesn't make it not handball.
Unpopular opinion, but I dont think Oliver got the hand ball wrong. At least in line with the rules. It wasn't an unnatural arm position and if it was the other way around and they gave hand ball, I think it would be harsh.

Not saying he's a great ref by any stretch. Just think you're all clutching here.
Unpopular opinion, but I dont think Oliver got the hand ball wrong. At least in line with the rules. It wasn't an unnatural arm position and if it was the other way around and they gave hand ball, I think it would be harsh.

Not saying he's a great ref by any stretch. Just think you're all clutching here.
He leant his arm to the Ball and the contact took the ball past tarks.

The fact his arms by his side is irrelevant in this instance as he still lent into the ball
Unnatural arm position is only for ball to hand in the box for penalties, not for deliberately controlling the ball. Maybe the most senior ref in the league got confused too.

If a defender did this in the box it would be a penalty.
There's a difference between the ball being pinged at you and it hitting your arm and using it knowing it's going to help to control the ball whether it's in a natural position or not and just because the arm isn't in an unnatural position doesn't make it not handball.
He leant his arm to the Ball and the contact took the ball past tarks.

The fact his arms by his side is irrelevant in this instance as he still lent into the ball
Perhaps my understanding of the rules are wrong then but I think regardless of where an incident happens (in a box or at the half way line) the rules should be consistent. Maybe that's the issue with the current rules.
Perhaps my understanding of the rules are wrong then but I think regardless of where an incident happens (in a box or at the half way line) the rules should be consistent. Maybe that's the issue with the current rules.
Tbf they are, the unnatural arm position rule does apply everywhere for accidental ball to hand (not just the box, I got that wrong). Arm position doesn't matter if the movement towards the ball is intentional.

It is an offence if a player:

  • deliberately touches the ball with their hand/arm, for example moving the hand/arm towards the ball
  • touches the ball with their hand/arm when it has made their body unnaturally bigger. A player is considered to have made their body unnaturally bigger when the position of their hand/arm is not a consequence of, or justifiable by, the player’s body movement for that specific situation. By having their hand/arm in such a position, the player takes a risk of their hand/arm being hit by the ball and being penalised
  • scores in the opponents’ goal:
    • directly from their hand/arm, even if accidental, including by the goalkeeper
    • immediately after the ball has touched their hand/arm, even if accidental
Unpopular opinion, but I dont think Oliver got the hand ball wrong. At least in line with the rules. It wasn't an unnatural arm position and if it was the other way around and they gave hand ball, I think it would be harsh.

Not saying he's a great ref by any stretch. Just think you're all clutching here.
He leant his arm to the Ball and the contact took the ball past tarks.

The fact his arms by his side is irrelevant in this instance as he still lent into the ball

Unpopular opinion, but I dont think Oliver got the hand ball wrong. At least in line with the rules. It wasn't an unnatural arm position and if it was the other way around and they gave hand ball, I think it would be harsh.

Not saying he's a great ref by any stretch. Just think you're all clutching here.
You're correct. I always run at full pelt to meet a ball played from 30 yards away with my arm tight against my side.
You're correct. I always run at full pelt to meet a ball played from 30 yards away with my arm tight against my side.
Obviously the "natural" part of the rule is debatable. But given how the officials have treated the rule this season, I would say its "natural"
