6 + 2 Point Deductions

Everyone who posts on here is after attention...even you. If didn't want attention you wouldn't post anything.

So get off ya high horse and take your seat with the rest of us....just over there 2nd row on left,four chairs down.... there's a good lad.

we’re all after attention?

here’s me thinking it was a fans forum to discuss all anti everton and how poo we are debates!


regards matt x

So. Valentines update....

From the 10 points deducted from my missus for failing to get me a card (of which she knew nothing of the penalty system).

After kindly hearing her well put together case last night, using few words but the mitigation was eloquently and succinctly put and, in a most definitely shagger silk style.

So. On this basis.

The final point deduction she received from the independent panel of me, @Exeter_Gently and @arch stanton is 6 points.

I believe this is a good omen.

Oh, and this is under embargo. Please do not share until Friday at 16:59.

Cheers. Sleep well blues.
