Recent content by Thought_Police

  1. Thought_Police

    Citizen. You have done yourself proud so far in this tribe. I hope you will continue to...

    Citizen. You have done yourself proud so far in this tribe. I hope you will continue to perform - remember, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.
  2. Thought_Police

    Your top un-favourate in the team.

    Citizens, this is the kind of destructive, negative thread that we do not need. We should concentrate on the strengths of our great tribe. Not the negatives. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.
  3. Thought_Police

    Ayo, lesson here, Bey. You come at the king, you best not miss.

    Ayo, lesson here, Bey. You come at the king, you best not miss.
  4. Thought_Police

    The game done changed....

    The game done changed....
  5. Thought_Police

    Hello citizen. We are moving along at a nice pace. If we work together we will succeed, we...

    Hello citizen. We are moving along at a nice pace. If we work together we will succeed, we cannot fail. Trust in us MikelsGoat. We trust you. Game's the same, just got more fierce.
  6. Thought_Police

    Anthony Eric Hibbert

    This thread is being monitored.