Recent content by Bluestefano

  1. Bluestefano

    Worst referee

    Graham Poll is another
  2. Bluestefano

    Season tickets

    Mine worked but no code. It just looks like this.
  3. Bluestefano

    Season tickets

    If it helps put anyone’s mind at rest. I’m on Apple and I have no QR or bar code just a blue box in the wallet. I’ve just been down to try it and it is working okay. ?
  4. Bluestefano

    Season tickets

    Same here
  5. Bluestefano

    Carlo Ancelotti

    I know for a fact he peddles rubbish and he’s also in Doha at the moment so anything he claims to have is second or third hand. He’ll be focused on creaming all over the Liverpool squad and management at any opportunity he can get so can’t believe his information can be that reliable.
  6. Bluestefano

    Half time music

    Live is life -Opus in the mid 80s
  7. Bluestefano

    Trivia Question

    Davie Weir
  8. Bluestefano

    Busting our balls [Vadis odjidja ofoe]

    Agreed but let's have some positivity. I'm more excited about our signings than Liverpool supporters should be about theirs.
  9. Bluestefano

    New right back cover

    I've only noticed him last night! Can't see them selling at moment, seem to be setting their stall out very well under Laudrup. Impressed although, like with us, it's early days
  10. Bluestefano

    Anichebe to Wolves

    However you feel about him he has stagnated after showing early promis, an abundance of strength and pace, however, this seems to be his bag end of. It would suit us to move him on and I'm sure it would suit him. We do, however, need to ensure the deal is right and not give him away.
  11. Bluestefano

    fellani whats his buy out clause?

    I don't think he will go yet. Looked really happy yesterday, a lot of smiles and tonnes of camaraderie. This allied to Mirallas coming in and no pressing need to sell, along with a long term contract mean it would take an enormous offer to make this happen.