Transfer Rumour Sean Longstaff

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Sorry I wasn't trying to dispute it i'm just going off the quotes in the article it reads to me like they're saying the opportunity to get a new contract is in his hands and its up to him to take it. If there was a contract offer on the table i'd expect them to do what Everton do and show the fans you've done your bit and if he leaves he's a judas but maybe not all clubs do that. In terms of rejecting a bid though they certainly don't need the money do they so could easily be either they think he'll be useful for the rest of the season or they don't want to strengthen a relegation rival.

Not at all mate, nobody really knows.

They've declined our offer (again, like they declined Man Utd and Rangers) - and with his contact up in the summer it's perhaps a fair assumption they want him to stay. Suspect the comment around it's not just up to Newcastle but Longstaff is a motivational/saving face exercise but we'll see.

Kept out their side by Hayden when he was fit, says everything about him. Geordie cleverly

*Thinks back to who kept Vlasic and Lookman out of Everton's team.
Right now, playing at Newcastle Longstaff might not be the player we need.

But, most on here threw their toys out of the oram when we signed Gareth Barry… too old, too slow etc etc.

If Sean Longstaff who most perceive as underwhelming can step up the way his Dad did as an ice hockey player, we might fall lucky again as we did with Barry.

He has an excellent relationship with Benitez and that would probably help.

What about once he’s gone?

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