2021/22 Rafael Benitez


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I’ll be quite open about my feelings, I can’t stand him, I find him an incredibly dislikable person, smug, sneering and with a huge chip on his shoulder. He also has lots of form for blaming the board, the players or anybody else he can think of as soon as things start going wrong.

That being said, while I can see improvement on the pitch I can tolerate him. You don’t have to like the manager to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Harry Catterick was never popular with a sizable section of the fans, I was one of them, but, it didn’t stop me adoring the finest team I ever saw at club level in the late 60’s. He was difficult to like personally but you had to admire him. Whether or not I will come to admire Benitez in time depends on what he achieves on the pitch.

For the record though, it is possible that I will come to admire him, but, I will never like him, not just because he is a redskin icon, more because he seems quite an unsavory individual. I know, I know, something something charity, something something, honorary scouser, something, something.
I’m sorry but I really like him.
I have zero emotional attachment to him.

If he makes us better and the players actually try harder that’s all I will judge him by.

As a person, I honestly couldn’t give a toss about him. We don’t know him personally, I can’t let the fact he managed Liverpool 15 years ago bother me that much, I did at first, but CBA anymore.

Roy, you have clearly been seared by your obviously close and unfortunate relationship with Rafael as a person. I have no such experience like yours because I have never met him. I am sorry you found him so objectionable.
Just to change what is developing into a nasty, acrimonious debate, I would like to attempt to introduce a bit of harmony, and declare I really, really like Rafael and hope he is very successful at our beloved club.
I neither, like nor dislike the guy. I just wish the board would run the club effectively so highly paid individuals were subject to clear and measurable targets. Such as aim 6th. Acceptable finish 8-10th within 10 points of 6th. Unacceptable league position 12th-15th and 15 points off 6th.
We didn’t sack him numbnuts, he resigned

so I like said, a lie

Erm I didn't say that did I - I responded to the following post:

"Speak to any of the local journos and they'll tell you that Ancelotti's job was actually in question after the season finished. If he'd consider binning his Hollywood manager, he'll certainly consider getting shut of Benitez."

to "bin off" a manager under contract means to sack which means to pay off which I responded to saying we couldn't have afforded to.

Maybe read what others post first before jumping the gun trying to be a smart arse :coffee:

Now if you have any man about you ya would apologise but I doubt I'll receive one...
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Never have liked or respected him and I can’t see that changing.If(and it’s a big if) he wins us something or gets us into Europe,of course I will be chuffed to bits and will celebrate like everybody else. I still won’t like him or respect him.
I‘ve always believed that people have to earn respect and you can’t do that after a few weeks or months.

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