Homepage Article Rafael Benitez Appointed Everton Manager

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The problem largely was no fans in the stadium imo. I dont mind us playing compact providing the players actually are pressing / tackling and not playing like a training session.

Hopefully add some pace and power in the transfer window and we could become a good counter attacking side.

Last season just wasn't football.
So you think the answer to solving how absolutely pathetically terrible we were last year is to appoint a HUGELY divisive manager who will have 0 time to get the team and structure right and bring fans back in so they can make their feelings known?

Bold strategy Cotton.
You’d all take Klopp in a heartbeat and he’s much more of a snide than Benitez.

Surely it can’t all be down to the “small club” jibe… are we really that insecure as a fan base?
I would take Klopp. I'd take Rodgers, in fact I'd be made up with either. I'd even take Hodgson although wouldn't be happy about it. None of them have disrespected our club or promoted ill feeling in the city the way that Benitez did. Derbies then were septic affairs, on and off the field.
This appointment has left me feeling empty and really disconnected from my club.

I'm totally fed up with an owner who is taking this club backwards, we've just had Carlo the rat use us a cash-cow until Real Madrid came knocking and now we're supposed to get behind a man who is realistically coming out of retirement to rinse us of £1 million a month, all with his best years way, way behind him!

Part of the spin to win us over was that Benitez 'lives locally' WTF! I'm simply not going to invest any more emotional energy into a club whose owner doesn't want his team to offer good attractive attacking football and will be perfectly happy with mid-table mediocrity until the new stadium is built.

Best case scenario is that he's gone before Christmas and worst is that it'll be another 12 months or more on top of that. He's not a miracle worker and he'll soon realise that the squad is pretty much woeful, full of lazy players happy to see out their contracts on mega-money.

I’ve been going to the old lady since 1969, seen good times and bad (plus Big Fat Sam!), but I’m done, I’ll watch from afar for a while.
Feel your pain mate, but tbh the best case scenario is that we somehow click into a premier league-challenging side once a manager with balls takes a cull to the light weights in our current squad and with the support of the DOF and the owner brings in (or promotes from the academy) some players who have the fight for what we want. It may or may not happen, but it's certainly within the realms of possibility - so must be a best-case scenario.
So you think the answer to solving how absolutely pathetically terrible we were last year is to appoint a HUGELY divisive manager who will have 0 time to get the team and structure right and bring fans back in so they can make their feelings known?

Bold strategy Cotton.

They'll be very few turning on him early doors imo. The majority who talk tough on the internet about how they will "give it to Benitez hard" and "let him know what they think of him" will be clapping like seals first game of the season thats the reality.

A few positive signings and most wont be that arsed.
They'll be very few turning on him early doors imo. The majority who talk tough on the internet about how they will "give it to Benitez hard" and "let him know what they think of him" will be clapping like seals first game of the season thats the reality.

A few positive signings and most wont be that arsed.

I dunno mate, if we go behind against Southampton it could turn wiite quickly.

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Everton is not the peoples club it's Moshiri's to do with how he pleases
Not happy not surprised but whatever the club is a circus it will be interesting to see how it goes Rafael has got one tough job ahead

I dunno mate, if we go behind against Southampton it could turn wiite quickly.

Well im hoping the ones who keep telling us all they hate the bloke that much they are staying away from the club do just that and dont turn up.

Some care more about the RS than Everton thats the sad reality.

My first reaction to him signing was "I cant wait to see him discipline some of these players."

Whereas for others it was "wait til the RS are singing his name at Anfield as they tonk us".
This can go 1 of 3 ways. Success which is the ideal, top third stability 5th to 7th or storming Finch Farm with flaming torches and pitchforks. It could go anyway but there will always be people unhappy about the decision and that is fair enough.
One thing is certain he is going to need funds to succeed so it is up to Moshiri to back his choice!

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