2020/21 Carlo Ancelotti

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Well I can understand his position, it is likely that is what Moshiri was promised. Problem is we have so few "experienced" players for backup in the event of injuries and suspensions so who does he have available to turn to.

It just screams "I'm only here for a short ride". We as a club, with our finances, cannot keep shelling out large sums every window. We need some players from the academy or youngsters signed on the cheap coming through to plug gaps.

The local media start to turn and question his decisions.

Going to be interesting if we perform as badly as most of us expect over the next 7 games.

Was reading this article with interest this morning as well.

Had been thinking that Carlo has shown a real preference for experience of late, fine if it’s working but it hasn’t been.

Carlo’s chopping and changing has cost us points for sure over the last 5/6 games, like you say then next seven will be tough. Ultimately though comes back to recruitment and problem that any manager would have with this squad, too many players who haven’t come close to delivering or contributing for the money they’re paid. Brands hasn’t been able to shift them so we’re stuck with them.
His tactics would work better if he could actually get the squad to the same level of fitness as other clubs...

everyone looks spent, for example richarlison constantly looks likes he’s about to stumble over his own feet when he runs with the ball which gives the impression of tired legs.
It just screams "I'm only here for a short ride". We as a club, with our finances, cannot keep shelling out large sums every window. We need some players from the academy or youngsters signed on the cheap coming through to plug gaps.
Agree, thought that was quite an odd thing to say and explains why we’re seeing new formations and Delph, iwobi wingback.

Sad, look at the success of DCL and what kind of message does that send out to young players in the academy?

Never noticed Ancelotti had made this comment before: “I'm not here to develop players, I'm here to try and keep Everton at the top.”

That's extremely worrying for me considering a. We're not even close to the top to begin with, and b. How on Earth can the club move forwards if we don't develop players just keep shelling out money for new ones? Makes a mockery of the DoF process.
It was a stupid thing to say at the time - and it continues to wind me up

In our current situation we need a manager that can improve our current players
Never noticed Ancelotti had made this comment before: “I'm not here to develop players, I'm here to try and keep Everton at the top.”

That's extremely worrying for me considering a. We're not even close to the top to begin with, and b. How on Earth can the club move forwards if we don't develop players just keep shelling out money for new ones? Makes a mockery of the DoF process.

I’d be running an absolute mile if I were Anthony Gordon right now.
It just screams "I'm only here for a short ride". We as a club, with our finances, cannot keep shelling out large sums every window. We need some players from the academy or youngsters signed on the cheap coming through to plug gaps.
The accounts are out this week what are you expecting

He won the champions league with Ajax when eriedivisie was better regarded than ligue 1, so I'd say 3 top leagues. la liga and bundesliga being the other two. So I'd say a fairly similar record to carlo.

Well it's not fairly similar is it? Carlo has managed in each of the 5 top leagues and been successful in each. Van Gaal hasn't. Carlo has won the European cup multiple times, Van Gaal hasn't.

Van Gaal at one tie was much better thought of thn Bielsa, but he's still a way off Carlo.
So Ancelotti saved us from relegation? Come on mate wake up.

I'm not saying that at all Dave, but just wondered how people saw us as a top 8 team half way through last season. We were 18th, with Arsenal, United, Leicester and Chelsea to come to the half way point. We were not a top 8 or even top 10 team.

Yes there were some easy wins for Ancelotti- as the team were probably underperforming. But there were also a lot of holes in that side in terms of mentality and resilience. Carlo has still had to "win" those wins and move us away from the relegation zone initially to 49 points (icking up 30 from 20 games) to then having us in the top half this season.
The problem is 2 things:

1. The squad is poor, we have little options up top, out wide or at full back which is down to Brands and why he needs to leave end of the season.

2. Carlo is over complicating things - he had the right set up with 433 which just needed work in terms of the defensive side yet he's gone and torn it up and is playing a system that requires 2 boss wingbacks which we dont have and has reduced our attacking output whilst still not improving us defensively.

Simple for me:

Go back to 433

Give Keane & Godfrey a run of games to get some chemistry (it absolutely winds me up how since Silva came in we chop and change the CB's every fortnight or so)

Get Olsen in the side and give the back 4 some confidence

Get the front 3 as they were and stick Holgate in the middle until Gbamin is fit to tighten us up and free up Allan/Doucoure to get forward more.

Give Nkounkou a run until Digne is back

Get Gordon hell even Simms on the bench and punt Siggurdsson & Tosun to oblivion

Simple things that make massive differences that he could do rather than set up like he is happy with a 10th place league finish.
I would have to disagree with that mate. It was an even game to me.

And yes football is about now. Last time I checked we were above Leeds, despite Bielsa have far longer to work assembling his squad?
It wasn't even, they outplayed us and play the game in the right manner but seem to struggle with their conversion rate. They also have a problem defending set pieces, that's why they are below us. I actually enjoy watching them more than us because they have a go. That comes with a price as they may lose games.
The problem is 2 things:

1. The squad is poor, we have little options up top, out wide or at full back which is down to Brands and why he needs to leave end of the season.

2. Carlo is over complicating things - he had the right set up with 433 which just needed work in terms of the defensive side yet he's gone and torn it up and is playing a system that requires 2 boss wingbacks which we dont have and has reduced our attacking output whilst still not improving us defensively.

Simple for me:

Go back to 433

Give Keane & Godfrey a run of games to get some chemistry (it absolutely winds me up how since Silva came in we chop and change the CB's every fortnight or so)

Get Olsen in the side and give the back 4 some confidence

Get the front 3 as they were and stick Holgate in the middle until Gbamin is fit to tighten us up and free up Allan/Doucoure to get forward more.

Give Nkounkou a run until Digne is back

Get Gordon hell even Simms on the bench and punt Siggurdsson & Tosun to oblivion

Simple things that make massive differences that he could do rather than set up like he is happy with a 10th place league finish.

words fail me, I actually agree with something you’ve wrote on football.

I was thinking about the Holgate thing myself, it’d give him the option to switch between a back 3 and 4

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