Old Everton Pictures

Jimmy Gabriel a key all round player for the blues -

So why did Westy go to pieces then
Just sayin like

From memory, West was a keeper who 'lived on his nerves' ... always seemed to be having some kind of manic conversation with himself and roamed round his area like a caged animal. Again, from memory, Catterick had dropped him a number of times during the sixties - to keep him on his toes, I guess.

His wife stated she would divorce him if he went as she wanted a family holiday

Yes, I remember that story.

I don't know if there was a single reason we dropped off the pace so calamitously in 70 / 71 (from 1st to 14th for God's sake). Husband always seemed to be crocked and operating at 70% when he was fit (and I never rated Whittle, I'm afraid, despite his goals in the title run in). Kendall's crossfield passing seemed to go to hell; Morrissey either lost confidence or put a spanner in his left boot and Labone was not the rock he had been ... never a gazelle, but his legs seemed to go and he depended more and more on Hurst.

Bally? Seem to remember he was initially a bit sluggish but recovered. Certainly never remember the Street End criticizing him and he never lost that will to win.

I think the team needed strengthening at right wing, with better quality back up in defence. Although Sandy gets good rep on here, he just wasn't of the quality we needed given the situation with Labone. But, the money wasn't there: we were building that (to me at least) bloody awful main stand and John Moores wasn't a bloke to stretch the purse strings too far.
From memory, West was a keeper who 'lived on his nerves' ... always seemed to be having some kind of manic conversation with himself and roamed round his area like a caged animal. Again, from memory, Catterick had dropped him a number of times during the sixties - to keep him on his toes, I guess.

Yes, I remember that story.

I don't know if there was a single reason we dropped off the pace so calamitously in 70 / 71 (from 1st to 14th for God's sake). Husband always seemed to be crocked and operating at 70% when he was fit (and I never rated Whittle, I'm afraid, despite his goals in the title run in). Kendall's crossfield passing seemed to go to hell; Morrissey either lost confidence or put a spanner in his left boot and Labone was not the rock he had been ... never a gazelle, but his legs seemed to go and he depended more and more on Hurst.

Bally? Seem to remember he was initially a bit sluggish but recovered. Certainly never remember the Street End criticizing him and he never lost that will to win.

I think the team needed strengthening at right wing, with better quality back up in defence. Although Sandy gets good rep on here, he just wasn't of the quality we needed given the situation with Labone. But, the money wasn't there: we were building that (to me at least) bloody awful main stand and John Moores wasn't a bloke to stretch the purse strings too far.
we were in for Archie gemmill,ended up with Henry Newton,who knows,Gemmill could well have kick started that 1970-71 season for us?,great little dynamo.
