Needless Angst

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Staff member

With this break in football, I just wanted to raise two issues - issues we've had in the past;
  • Needless Angst. We're all Evertonians, if someone posts something you disagree with you can say so without being an arse. Give people, especially new members, the benefit of doubt. Too many are too quick to belittle, condemn or accuse. It's a real shame to see. I think digital conversation in general is becomingly increasingly divisive/partisan - let's try and buck the trend on here.

  • Harassment. It doesn't sit right when a few 'gang up' in a collaborative effort to take the piss out of one or two. While I'm sure the intention is often for some fun/isn't malicious - there's a line which is sometimes crossed. When that happens moderators can knee-jerk...
GOT should always allow fun, it should always offer escapism to some - moderators need to respect that, but you have to help us out.

Nice one.
The first winter break, suit up...


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