Carlo Ancelotti

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I just popped on to RAWK to see any reaction. I don't have a login so just viewed as a guest. Anyway someones screen shotting posts from us today and posting it on their forum. The weirdos.
And they are all like, Carlo wont go to Everton...…………

They always astonish me. They are like the creepy weirdo controlling ex, who will never just allow a partner to move on. They are top of the league, European champions and all they care about is us getting a manager.

If it works here, they are going to be driven to enormous anger.

It's what differentiates them to Manchester United really. They were never like this with City. They are still not. Thats why they are a big club in their thinking, and Liverpool aren't.

Not getting carried away here. Does Ancelotti have experience with pulling teams out of the relegation mire? If we were near to the finished article, I'd be all over this appointment. As it stands, I'm rather nervous. Hoping to be wrong, however.

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