2019/20 Andre Gomes

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Arsenal didn't appeal it the difference is Wenger's comments vs how Poch and Spurs have dealt with this.

'Though Wenger believed it was a harsh decision he said he was willing to accept the decision of referee Jon Moss, adding: “It looked harsh to me but it was a deliberate foul.

“It looked a 'dark yellow' but the referee went for bright red.”
I thought it was appealed and failed that's why I posted it, further research shows you are correct it was not appealed. As you say the difference is how the managers and media acted after.
Not surprised to see it over turned. The club is spineless and this whole ''standard foul'' narrative that is getting painted is nonsense purely because it's cause and effect. It wasn't Son's intention to snap Gomes' ankle but the fact is his petulant act led to a fellow professional being out until next year.

''We see these challenges every game'' Yes but we don't see a snapped ankle at the end of them. Intent is irrelevant when the end result is as devastating as what happened to Gomes. We love to point to them lot on here but look at the difference between the way Klopp handled a similar tackle, he's out in force telling everybody who will listen how much of a shithouse challenge it was. We've got the club captain giving Son a shoulder massage in the changing rooms.

Jokers from top to bottom.

It was in poor taste of Spurs to appeal it, but most teams would if it meant getting an important player back

Everton have rolled over again as per usual, probably because Spurs won the narrative battle in the media to the point that us actually fighting this would have in effect made us the "bad guys"

lot's of other clubs wouldn't have cared and would have done what was right regardless, but that's sadly not our club

Utter spineless cowards at the top of our club. Simple as

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