2018/19 Marco Silva - New Poll Added

Grade Marco Silva's 2018/19 Season

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Has everyone got their flip flops ready for Sunday then lads? Vote could be easily be the opposite way around again by Sunday night the speed people change their votes on here. lol

I want to be in a clique:dance:
Has everyone got their flip flops ready for Sunday then lads? Vote could be easily be the opposite way around again by Sunday night the speed people change their votes on here. lol

I want to be in a clique:dance:

Na, like I’ve said you can see how he’s trying to get us to play, and he will be given stability

Billy my whole forum experience has been dealing with hate, ive had people call me a kopite, fake account, ive had people wish ill on me, told me to throw myself in a bin and set fire to it.

Im still standing tall Billy dont you worry about me.

Posters like us are a shining light of hope.



Have you not enjoyed the last months progress?

Defence has been fine statistically all season aside from getting the team setup with a mix of zonal and man to man which now seems solved.

Players are now clicking and Silva now has a picture of who he and brands need to keep/sell in summer.

Some top players on the books and more to join in summer time...

Not sure what the issue is to be honest...

As for 7th being a do or die situation...its still a rebuilding job. Im certain he good get 7th by amending his tactics etc but he wants to create a certain style and gradual addition of players to suit that style.

Instead of 2 steps forward foe a season it means one step back and 2 steps forward so that we can take larger steps in a couple of seasons time.
So expecting our manager to finish 7th next season based on a likely big transfer spend and 2 seasons at the club with his own players is frowned upon? Not top 6 SEVENTH?!

This cuck section of our fanbase who love living in mediocrity and do nothing but attack fans who expect better are outrageous.

The apathy and acceptance of mediocrity is higher now with Moshiri's millions than what it ever was under Kenwright when fans had pride and some form of expectation in this club.

Reading some of the comments on here and you would be mistaken for thinking you was reading a Burnley forum if not for the Blue.

7th has to be the expectation next season, it’s a shame that it is, because this far into Moshiri’s ‘project’ we should be expecting to be challenging for the Champions League places.

He hired duds and continues to promote people beyond their station (DBB being one), so I think our ceiling will always be 7th with Moshiri. The other clubs just have more astute business people at the helm.
7th has to be the expectation next season, it’s a shame that it is, because this far into Moshiri’s ‘project’ we should be expecting to be challenging for the Champions League places.

He hired duds and continues to promote people beyond their station (DBB being one), so I think our ceiling will always be 7th with Moshiri. The other clubs just have more astute business people at the helm.
well no one expected Koeman and Walsh to absolutely annihilate this club and set us back, Which forced us to hire BFS to keep us in the Premiership, Not sure how this is Moshiri's fault when Koeman and Walsh were being highly spoken of at the time.

Have you not enjoyed the last months progress?

Defence has been fine statistically all season aside from getting the team setup with a mix of zonal and man to man which now seems solved.

Players are now clicking and Silva now has a picture of who he and brands need to keep/sell in summer.

Some top players on the books and more to join in summer time...

Not sure what the issue is to be honest...

As for 7th being a do or die situation...its still a rebuilding job. Im certain he good get 7th by amending his tactics etc but he wants to create a certain style and gradual addition of players to suit that style.

Instead of 2 steps forward foe a season it means one step back and 2 steps forward so that we can take larger steps in a couple of seasons time.

Morning mate.

I've been impressed with us bar Newcastle since Cardiff and think Bernard and Richarlison on the wings have given us good balance.

The key is though mentality- its taken Silva near 4 months from the Anfield defeat to get the lads confidence back which is a worry - we look a side who play well when we're up for it but any sign of trouble (newcastle getting a goal back) we look likely to wilt. I was hoping West Ham would got one back last week to see how we would have responded. Time will tell but for me thats a massive area of his management that he has to improve - the RS for example never look like they lose their heads and Klopp deserves big credit for that never say die mentality he has instilled.

I just think 7th is the minimum for a club of our size, people seem to forget Moshiri came in with the ambition of challenging the top 6 and he's said that a number of times. He gives managers 3 year deals not 5 years like Soppy Bill because he wants to see progression and know the manager at the reigns can take us forward. If he cant get 7th two seasons in to the job with a big outley on players and his own starting 11 then that is a big worry.

I also don't know why people worry about the manager - Brands is the DOF and its his project- if Silva goes he'll bring in a manager who plays a similiar style to suit the players here - gone are the days of sacking a manager then bringing in a polar opposite who needs their own new 11 players.

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