Summer Transfer Window 2017

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Absolute disgrace if we bring no forward in. Known for months Lukaku was going. What does Walsh do? Waste of space. Can't rely on CL and Sandro for goals. CL has looked brilliant but he is only a young lad and Sandro is new to the league.
wow. that was amazing.

Koeman says he wants a striker and a week later Moshiri says we need to give the current squad time to gel. Does Koeman know?

I'd honestly guess quite a lot have broken their transfer record once or twice at least

Yes i'm sure most have done it once or twice but not many will have broken it three times in one window. The point is none of us will be happy as we didn't get a top class striker but when you sell a top one we were never going to replace with another world class one. We aren't at the races yet.

Who knows whether the management didn't fancy the next level down or perhaps we have been advised come the next window our top target(s) might be available. There are too many factors involved. There is way too much doom and gloom around here, if we do the same next year as we have done this year (1 top class signing in Jan/3 in the summer and we should have a team that can compete for the top 4. Also hopefully that Henry kid turns out to be a star.

Onwards and upwards.
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