Romelu Lukaku

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The hypocrisy of it all publicise Ross Barclays contract give him public ultimatums, but let Lukaku's alleged transfer in confidence where he is moving - so at this rate in my opinion we are losing our top scorer, and our maybe our best midfield player, while signing a third choice right back from the mighty Southampton ???????????????????

It's probably because teams want Rom mate.

I'm trying to think if there's ever been another player I've loved so much on the pitch but disliked off of it who has played for us. I only just remember the aftermath of the dogs of war period with Barmby going to that lot but I really struggle to think of a player who has annoyed me off the pitch as much as him. Maybe Van Der Meyde.

It is one thing to angle for a move but it feels like that's all he ever talks about with the media. It's been two years of it constantly and I am tired of hearing and reading it.

I'm going to miss him scoring for us so much but I won't miss him as a person, I do feel at times he has shown a bit of disrespect to his employers and teammates with some of what he's said and that can't be good for the team.
This is Kenwright's legacy. Quality players see us as a stop gap, they don't respect us, and they want out at every opportunity. Shameful the way the club has fallen. This is his legacy. A legacy of false dawns, unfulfilled promises, mediocrity personified, and downright abject failure.

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