New Stadium- How to size it?

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I live in a small town 200 miles there's another 10 everton fans I know off ... I use to be a season ticket holder when I was 16.. now family prevents me going and getting tickets is hard for the odd game but with a bigger ground this makes it easier ... so if every little town had fans all in same situation but fancied going 600000 would easily get filled
Got to be 55K+in my view, I live in London and wanted to come to more home games but found no tickets apart from sitting behind a post so with a bigger stadium would me I would be able to attend more regularly rather than relying on a mate to give me theirs that weekend

There is a school of thought that you should make it slightly less than what you think you can sell out. Psychologically, if one always knows they can walk up on match day and get a ticket, it depresses advanced sales. If you think each match will sell out, you speed up the decision making process.

On the other hand I am a fan of more seats at lower cost creating the same revenue. Keep them low enough where the average punter or family can afford to go, and you'll always have a strong attendance. If you're not dross.
Keep in mind corporate hospitality doesn't always mean "corporate". Having smaller boxes available for the average supporter to rent out once a season for a special occasion is great.

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