New Everton Stadium Discussion

It is absolutely amazing.

Fella kicking off about it affecting the shipping and housing around Bramley Moore. There's none of that there.
Thanks for posting this. Listened to a couple of snippets. Will listen to the rest later when I have time. One of the first callers (RS obviously) is calling Joe Andersons role a conflict of interests. Roger Phillips said LCC helped RS with infrastructure around Anfield. And will do same for us. They won't be paying towards stadium. Caller wouldnt have it. Caller then said there are better sites. Where?, said Roger. Caller says Stonebridge as its only 1 mile from motorway.
Smacks of desperation to me. We're not supposed to matter to them. If this gets done, can you imagine!! It will be priceless. Can't wait, please make it happen (and thats from a man who absolutely loves Goodison Park).

Am I right in saying that the £20m road big joe is on about, is the one on Leeds street?

Does that actually have any effect on BMD?

It goes through the industrial estate at the end of it into Princes Dock to where the cruise liner terminal and the IOM ferry terminal will go in front of the Waterloo Warehouses. On Radio Merseyside today, Joe Anderson said a further £6m road will then be built up to by BMD.
A dyed in the wool RS in work today admitted, first time ever he has admitted anything ever that he would be devastated if we got BMD. Please make it happen. I wonder if Carra will be tweeting how small our new gound looks from their new stand then?
A dyed in the wool RS in work today admitted, first time ever he has admitted anything ever that he would be devastated if we got BMD. Please make it happen. I wonder if Carra will be tweeting how small our new gound looks from their new stand then?
If it happens carralaar will be tweeting constantly,munching bird seed,in a darkened room wearing his LFC straightjacketlol

We need this to happen! Anyone else been able to pipe down RS who say we can't even fill Goodison recently? Had it twice recently. I think we would have to be looking at 55k minimum. It would be great if we had the bigger and better stadium in the city, and possibly even the bigger crowds. We really do need this to happen!
Reading that does make it seem like our plans, and those of the Council and private developers, are all well down the line.

He seemed to imply that there are still things to iron out with Peel which kinda tallies with Sunny Bob saying that there are a few issues still to overcome.

That's what I took from that
