Tony Hibbert

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To be fair I'd be annoyed with the goodbye Howard got at the end of the season if I was him.
Howard cost us and RM about 12 points last season but did well for most years tbf Hibbert was a championship player at best one of the worst right backs I've seen play for us, alright in the tackle but absolutely clueless in all other areas of the game don't know what he has done now to deserve this attention
Poor show all round
  • Club should of told him no matter how obvious it was.
  • Surely Hibbert and his agent should of realised the contract is coming to an end and be negotiating if they were expecting some kind of new deal? Was he expecting nobody to notice his contract had finished and he would just keep turning up business as usual, getting paid forever?
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Doesn't he hold the record for all time European Apperances for Everton.

Part of the team that qualified for the CL

He used to annually have Ronaldo in his back pocket.

The lad served.

Wembley 2009. Was in Chelsea's back pocket there.
This has nothing to do with whether the club got rid of him or not.

This has everything to do with the manner of how they got rid of him.

You can refuse to accept mediocrity whilst still not being a tit about how you improve the overall quality of employees.
Fair shout that.

But where I work every now and then we have "Black Friday" its clear your desk time , the cheques in the post.

If your lucky (or not) you get a mention in the company rag.

Sorry but I dont see millionaire footballers any different.

Whatever you think of HIBBO - and none of it should be bad TBH given what he is/was - either way, it's an appalling way (if true) to terminate ANY form of employment given the service (time wise) he gave.

Stinks a bit TBH...

Y'think KENWRIGHT would have done well by them at least, y'know because BILL's such a devoted & loyal Evert...

This is so disappointing. Sure he has done nothing for us in the past few years but it's just utterly disgraceful the way he was treated... Like he said nobody should be let go in such a manner whether they've been here for 2 weeks or 2 decades. Yes he needed to go and yes he definitely knew that but in no profession should you learn you've been let go by reading it on the Internet. Thought the club were above this sort of behaviour. Hope we are more humane in the inevitable offloading of McGeady, Niasse, etc as regardless of if someone deserves a contract or not they should go out with dignity and respect.
Hope it's revealed we're using underaged labour in sweatshops to make the kit aswell and we fiddle the meter at Goodison to get cheaper leccy

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