Ronald Koeman discussion

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Hi guys I would like to personally thank each and everyone of you unfortunately I can't meet you all

I would like to say I am ambitious and the first thing I have told bill is "I will get us in the top six"

Thanks guys

Hey Ronald,
How was Turkey?
Hi guys I would like to personally thank each and everyone of you unfortunately I can't meet you all

I would like to say I am ambitious and the first thing I have told bill is "I will get us in the top six"

Thanks guys

This is why we can't have nice things.

Just been sat in our staff room over lunch chatting to a new bloke. After a while we got onto football, which he follows, so I asked 'which team.' He said Southampton (first one outside of Southampton I've ever heard say that - no criticism intended) Tumbleweed moment when I told him of my passion for Everton.

He was OK about it - and we talked about Koeman and his view to the youth teams etc. He seemed quite philosophical about their ability to find another good manager and was disappointed but not bitter. Can't say I was as cool as him, in all honesty, when Man U came sniffing around to poach our manager, even though I wanted him gone at the time.
Comment from bbc site:

256. Posted byashok
on12 minutes ago
I guess it was money that talked for RK to jump ship- a short sighted move that will prove expensive for him on long run. Everton will be where it is or even worse next year ( probably relegated ) as they do not have money to buy quality players whereas Southampton has a brilliant academy producing young talents like a machine. Surprised RK has not used his footballing brains in this move!
Hahahahaha....hahahahaha....hahahahaha.... love being hated instead of patted on the head like a well behaved dog.
Comment from bbc site:

256. Posted byashok
on12 minutes ago
I guess it was money that talked for RK to jump ship- a short sighted move that will prove expensive for him on long run. Everton will be where it is or even worse next year ( probably relegated ) as they do not have money to buy quality players whereas Southampton has a brilliant academy producing young talents like a machine. Surprised RK has not used his footballing brains in this move!

Fans from this small club down the South are deluded.

All I know is Soton can't match our offer to Koeman.

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