Confirmed: Roberto Martinez Sacked

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What is there to be sad about ?

he's getting paid what most of us will never earn in a lifetime.

Good luck in relegating your next club Roberto


Except I don't think he'll relegate his next club, but rather won't get them promoted or win anything with them.
His tenure will be remembered by indecision and a massive missed opportunity

  • His lack of decisiveness to not bin Distin earlier, when he cost us so many goals last season.
  • His lack of decisiveness to bin Howard, when he cost us so many goals the past 18 months.
  • In his first season, he made the right subs, affecting games positively and gaining late points. 2nd and 3rd season his subs and tactical inflexibility were Moyes-esque
  • His 4-2-2-1 formation. (Yes I got that right). We played every game the last 18 months with 10 men - his insistence on playing an awful player, out of form, talent and position in left-mid. Kone, Cleverly, Osman whilst Mirallas, Lennon and/or Deulofeu sat on the bench.
  • One-dimensional tactics, albeit more attacking than Moyes, but an Everton disease we need the new man to cure. Tactical inflexibility.
  • Oumar Niasse. Potentially the biggest cock-up and money-swindle since my nan transferred £250 to a Nigerian General to save his children.
  • Tom Cleverly. John Moores turns in his grave when he sees him play. NSNO Tom - you need to go. Awful Awful player.
  • Robles, Kone, Alcaraz, Cleverly, McGeady, Niasse, Atsu. Wigan-standard players. NSNO Roberto.
  • Post Match comments. "Phenomenal, incredible, peak of this powers" all those horrible horrible soundbites.
It's been a dark few months for the club, and it's hard to fathom just how things unraveled to the extent they did. Here's hoping that this is the first day of getting back on track, although given the pace of the decline in recent times, I am a bit concerned that the rot was deeper than just Martinez. Time will tell, but hopefully we will get back on the up again.
Seismic shift of power at Goodison. Much more than just losing a poorly performing manager.

Good times ahead, although clearly lots of work to be done.
Think this is the end for Bill Kenwright. Mr Moshiri needs to speed up his acquisition of the remaining board shares and constitute a new dynamic board. Perhaps Bill could be offered a title like Life President but must now take a back seat.
Very disappointed it has all been left so late before action taken but I would think Mr Moshiri had got to the end of his tether! At this time John Moores famous words come to mind, perhaps we may have another strong and single minded owner. If so, happy days.



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