Dreadful players that you liked!

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I liked Tie, he gets a bad rap but I thought he was pyar energy.
Always had faith in Hibbert.
Simon Davies was a dog.
Tal was a bit poor.
Linderoth was a trier, on the pitch and of my patience.
Amo would be viewed differently were it not for that semi final.
Diamond was a bit of a cult hero too.
Myhre was a solid keeper.

We have been gifted with some great peno takers tho.

Tommy G, Arteta, Baines, Unsy, could all smash a good peno.

It's an under-valued attribute. Spot kick calmness is what gave us 3 points against Blackburn and the inverse is what cost them the points.

where's the stats son ??

Joe Max Moore played in 52 games scoring 8 goals total. The best stat though is of those 8 goals, 5 he scored in the first 5 games. So reality for him...
3 goals in 47 games.

Fun Fact: JMM is 4th in National team goals. 2 other guys ahead of him...Brian McBride and Landon Donovan. Both Everton players :)
If you think gazza was a dreadful footballer I suppose your right.

Oh yeah because a struggling Everton got him for free then he went on to play for footballing titans such as Burnley, Gansu and Boston Utd. He must have been world-class, silly me.

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