777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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Wrong from the start this

no it won’t or it will be the end of the premier league as that’s what happens in Spain where Real Madrid and Barcelona have their own deals leaving the rest of la liga nowhere.

No way that will be sanctioned by the clubs in the premier league or it would have happened already

Real and Barcelona don't have their own deals. They had to get government legislation to change that. It is done similar to the premier League.
John Blain was especially withering in his criticism of DBB and her profligate spending on "vanity projects". He also confirmed my thoughts that future losses could be slashed just by running the club professionally. I suspect that is what 777 have in mind.
It just remains to be seen if we are able to keep going until we can do that.
As someone else posted yesterday… loans to pay loans to pay loans to pay debts. Unable to afford to boil a kettle…. Like the financial acumen of someone who filled their house with furniture and tech from Brighthouse and now the debt collectors come calling.

Surprised we haven’t had more of an investigation from HMRC let alone FFP.

Got a Wilkos feeling to all this…
Funnily enough they were going to be our new sleeve sponsors until it all went tits up.

Friday when the news was broke about the sale to 777, the general reaction of the fans was "we should protest against the sale" "777 not welcomed", 4 days later and few media leaks and the general reaction turned to "lets pray the deal happens" "777 or we go bust".
There is scepticism for sure amongst nearly all fans and worry... myself included.

However I think most are realistic enough to realise that we are listening to at present is empty talk from people who know little more than the average supporter .
I am looking at what is being said and believing none of it because it is hard to tell accurate reporting from those all too willing to write the obituary of Everton FC.

The fact that we are doing poorly on the pitch just makes the air of gloom even more profound.
Everton vs Fulham hardly equivalent to the other matches you quote...i bet they get up for Everton vs Liverpool.
Sure a fair point; but I'd wager of the X millions of people all around the world getting up at silly-o-clock in the morning to watch a Merseyside derby aren't wearing blue shirts. We simply don't have the global clout or relevance the "big six" do. That's my point.
You just answered your own question as to why 777 doesn’t want it to go into administration.

Yes but it's still two fold I guess. They won't want to be in a new bidding war if we went bust but they also wouldn't be handing over the cash now if they seriously thought that could still happen with them else that's just throwing away money. That should mean we aren't in the doomsday position that a lot are taking. Btw I'm not saying we haven't got serious issues, but it might not be we need 20 million a month to survive.

I'm just hoping they had someone really decent look at the books and have a plan to stop the interest bleed ASAP.

You called us a 'Tin Pot Club'.

If that's the way you think about the club then why bother supporting us? Go support United, you seem to have a hard-on for them.
Not won anything for almost 30 years, not even remotely challenged for anything in the same time frame, had a few "glorious seasons" were we managed to finish in the top-third of the league punching above our weight, but in reality we are utterly irrelevant to the Premier League's "big boys". We've spent about half a billion quid to go from relegation battle to relegation battle, sacking managers and DOFs with regularity, signing garbage players and looking awful on the pitch year after year, and we've arguably never been further away from a trophy in 30 years with zero clue, zero direction, utterly disfunctional at every level and an embarrassment in comparison to well run clubs like Brentford or Brighton who've over taken us by miles.

Is "tin pot" really that unfair an assessment, or am I 'obligated' to bury my head in the sand screeching "wErE a BiG cLuB" lest I be exiled to United because I happen to point out they are a global-level club/business and we are the corner shop equivalent.
I'm just hoping they had someone really decent look at the books and have a plan to stop the interest bleed ASAP.
They will have seen the car crash that is our business model, I imagine. I doubt it would need someone really decent to see the haemorrhage of money caused by abysmal business practices - a blind man could see it.
Hopefully 777 take a flame-thrower to it and get it on an even keel again.
Real and Barcelona don't have their own deals. They had to get government legislation to change that. It is done similar to the premier League.

Wrong again

They have there own TV deals

This is from 2006

It’s why La Liga is quite uncompetitive
Friday when the news was broke about the sale to 777, the general reaction of the fans was "we should protest against the sale" "777 not welcomed", 4 days later and few media leaks and the general reaction turned to "lets pray the deal happens" "777 or we go bust".
Those that run big businesses like this may be borderline criminals, but they are much smarter than the general populace as much as that same general populace likes to make fun of them. Those in charge actually are just fine with them thinking they are stupid, fools, etc because it means they dont suspect when they are being manipulated and their thoughts and opinions subtly controlled through effective leaks and PR. They are very good at it, and in general people rarely notice its happening unless the PR firm has really botched it or things have gotten too bad.
