Why is Steven Gerrard disliked by so many Evertonians?

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I don't really have an opinion on him really. I really disliked him at last seasons derby away at Anfield, i was sat with the ****e fans and the **** ruined me night, it's clear he's not the most likeable person in the world. The reasons i don't really hate or dislike him though are for good reason.

Last year my cousin went for a meal and drinks in town with her fella, they ended up in a nice bar when they noticed a big group of lads staring at them, my cousins a pretty girl so she gets quite a bit of male attention but these lads were just staring constantly, not even trying to hide it just blatantly watching them. My cousin was a bit uncomfortable and her fella Chris sensed that and was going to confront them since he's a tough lad.

After another few minutes he got fed up of the lads looking over and went to approach them, as he did, Gerrard and his bird walked over to the same table and clearly knew the lads. So Chris goes over and asks what they're staring at, the lads started acting up and it got a bit heated and was looking like it was gonna kick off, then Stevie pulled Chris to one side and began apologising, he knew the lads and said they were beaked up to the nines and that they were alright lads really, Chris said fair enough but even so they're acting like knobheads and ruining our night so do us a favour and tell them to **** off before going back to his table.

5 mins later and the lads had all left the club to their relief, then Gerrard and his bird came over with some drinks for me cousin and Chris and seemed very genuine when apologising for the lads behavior, they ended up having a few drinks as a group and it was easy conversation as Chris is a Liverpool fan and me cousins brother plays for Liverpool under 21's, before the Gerrards left the club they spoke to the club manager and put me cousin on his bar tab so they had free ale all night.

other then that, Me cousin who plays for the under 21's played alongside Gerrard in centre midfield in some closed doors sorta game, Craig mentioned his sister had met him in town and Stevie remembered the night and even remembered their jobs and was asking about them. During the game Craig said he was unreal to play alongside and was constantly giving Craig little tips and sharing his knowledge on Craig's position, after the game Gerrard had a chat with Craig and wished him well and stuff.

The day afterwards in training Craig's coach Rodolfo Borrell, had a chat with Craig about his performance in the game and mentioned that Gerrard had approached him after the game and told Borrell he was impressed with his game and really enjoyed playing with him which was a really nice gesture i think.

So yeah i don't exactly like or hate him really.

Googd story that! Although why beak would turn a group of lads into a bunch of staring weirdos I will never know. Does exactly the opposite to mellowing you out!
It was more of a bar then a club i think Nik, i'd guess the lads were just bladdered and coked up to the state where your vaguely human, or they could've just been knobheads looking for trouble as lots of people in town are!
I don't really have an opinion on him really. I really disliked him at last seasons derby away at Anfield, i was sat with the ****e fans and the **** ruined me night, it's clear he's not the most likeable person in the world. The reasons i don't really hate or dislike him though are for good reason.

Last year my cousin went for a meal and drinks in town with her fella, they ended up in a nice bar when they noticed a big group of lads staring at them, my cousins a pretty girl so she gets quite a bit of male attention but these lads were just staring constantly, not even trying to hide it just blatantly watching them. My cousin was a bit uncomfortable and her fella Chris sensed that and was going to confront them since he's a tough lad.

After another few minutes he got fed up of the lads looking over and went to approach them, as he did, Gerrard and his bird walked over to the same table and clearly knew the lads. So Chris goes over and asks what they're staring at, the lads started acting up and it got a bit heated and was looking like it was gonna kick off, then Stevie pulled Chris to one side and began apologising, he knew the lads and said they were beaked up to the nines and that they were alright lads really, Chris said fair enough but even so they're acting like knobheads and ruining our night so do us a favour and tell them to **** off before going back to his table.

5 mins later and the lads had all left the club to their relief, then Gerrard and his bird came over with some drinks for me cousin and Chris and seemed very genuine when apologising for the lads behavior, they ended up having a few drinks as a group and it was easy conversation as Chris is a Liverpool fan and me cousins brother plays for Liverpool under 21's, before the Gerrards left the club they spoke to the club manager and put me cousin on his bar tab so they had free ale all night.

other then that, Me cousin who plays for the under 21's played alongside Gerrard in centre midfield in some closed doors sorta game, Craig mentioned his sister had met him in town and Stevie remembered the night and even remembered their jobs and was asking about them. During the game Craig said he was unreal to play alongside and was constantly giving Craig little tips and sharing his knowledge on Craig's position, after the game Gerrard had a chat with Craig and wished him well and stuff.

The day afterwards in training Craig's coach Rodolfo Borrell, had a chat with Craig about his performance in the game and mentioned that Gerrard had approached him after the game and told Borrell he was impressed with his game and really enjoyed playing with him which was a really nice gesture i think.

So yeah i don't exactly like or hate him really.

wow, good read. thanks for sharing that mate. yeah this is what i mean, based on the interviews he gives and the stuff he does outside of football he seems like a pretty humble bloke.
wow, good read. thanks for sharing that mate. yeah this is what i mean, based on the interviews he gives and the stuff he does outside of football he seems like a pretty humble bloke.

ah that's okay then, one story should mean he's a perfect role model, give me a break. you could tell by his plain arrogance the other week on TV when he said their aim was top 4. The interviewer was asking him to be realistic but he just shot down the question in a way of "you saying i'm wrong". He's always been a good player but a tad over-rated for me, he just has a good engine. But now his legs are going he looks fairly spent. The fact he doesn't listen to his manager's views and is still spraying his hollywood 50 yard passes when their game is suppose to be about keeping the ball shows total arrogance as well.

As said, he'll be lauded in the media as one of England's greatest ever midfielders and a role model to all youngsters which couldn't be further from the truth - thank **** i'm welsh is all i can say

I dont like him because Everton under Moyes have been screaming out for a player like him, since day 1.

If Moyes would have had Gerrard, we would have won trophies, he is that big a player.

SOme of his off field stuff is a bit ****ty, and his tackles can be bad, but he is only doing what half of us say we would do, if playing against out most hated rivals.

We love thd Dunc stuff in the same way, throwing Ince, gripping McAteer etc !!!
I once twatted my mate all over a car park, with a bottle.

Biggest mistake of my life.

I have moved on, as has the lad.

So Gerrad had a fight once, so what.
I have just always thought he was over rated, he had a couple of decent seasons but he isnt and has never been one of the best midfielders in the world. He's been good but never world class for me. Always loads of hype because he has scored a few important goals, reason being the rest of the side were gash.

He was a cracking premiership player. On the world stage other than winning the champions league (I realise that sounds daft but whatever...) he has done bugger all.

Great player for Liverpool though. I dont think he is anymore though.

At his peak Gerrard was a sensational player, good enough for any club side in the world.

But of course, he is a diving, dirty snide git at the same time, I would say in the same way your lot hated Tim Cahill, although Cahill never dived.

I love the fact Liverpool fans tend to turn a blind eye to the fact Gerrard was desperate to leave Liverpool and was minute away from signing for Chelsea until he decided to stay ( nothing to do with all the death threats he received)
Cause he's a bad snide. Not even the best English midfielder of my generation. Lampard and Scholes are better.

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