What is Operation Goodison Excercise?

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A fire drill i think...

Was funny at the match today, some people stood up and started doing start jumps everytime the announcement came on :lol::lol::lol:
It's a live drill for the stewards, whom I can only imagine each take up a specific position in the ground incase of a fire emergency I guess.
I was at a match last season when they announced "Operation Goodison is commencing", the blues then charged up the field and scored. A few minutes later they announced that "Operation Goodison is over." The timing was impeccable.

I was at a match last season when they announced "Operation Goodison is commencing", the blues then charged up the field and scored. A few minutes later they announced that "Operation Goodison is over." The timing was impeccable.

great story
i love it lol
i thought it was a police thing
but the stewards answer is prob what it is for
Its a warning that hibbert has entered the changing room and the stewards have to go down and eject him before moysie see,s him

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