Transfer Window Thread

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Isn't anyone else worried that we might be signing a 26 year old for reasonably big money who has had one season in the premier league?
Remember the last player we signed from a relegated team who scored 10+ goals!

That said I do reckon Austin would be a great signing
Isn't anyone else worried that we might be signing a 26 year old for reasonably big money who has had one season in the premier league?

No. He's scored goals through the Leagues, more importantly, he scored 18 in his first Season for the worst side in the division.

the thing with austin is the same as what i said about rondon a few hours back. up until a couple of days ago martinez wasn't seriously exploring the possibility of getting another striker. the only way i could see us splashing the fee is if we don't buy the playmaker permanently and instead loan one. we haven't got money growing on trees so i doubt we're going to be spending £40m on the 3 players. well i highly doubt that's our budget, it's probably more £25m ish. if you loan the playmaker and buy the striker outright you're going to be playing the striker more.

seeing as there was no real interest two days ago, i doubt our manager is going to just decide that we need a whole new formation 3 days before the season. i'd like austin, who knows it could be a buy now, pay next summer deal, but i have my doubts.

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