Transfer Window Thread

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anyone know anything about that udinese defender we're linked? and no not his FIFA stats I could get those myself haha
Quintero is exactly the kind of player we NEED.

Bobby show that you can pull this off.

1 million euros apparently for the loan fee with a further 14 million euros to make it permanent.

Bologna look to have wrapped it up already.
Just seen that Issac Cuenca is out of contract. 24 y/o spanish winger, can play on either side. I seem to remember Deportivo being in an awful lot of financial trouble, so I assume that's why he's left.
Interestingly, he's got the same agent as Barkley and Robles. May be worth the wages to have depth on the wing.
I think it may be more now, it went up after 5 years to 1.2 million if memory serves me right.
I'm not sure of the figures but £1M a year rent plus the building costs (without a huge discount) simply does not make sense. Either your figures are not accurate, there is some odd tax treatment or we have been had (I suspect the former).

I'm not sure of the figures but £1M a year rent plus the building costs (without a huge discount) simply does not make sense. Either your figures are not accurate, there is some odd tax treatment or we have been had (I suspect the former).

We didnt build anything.

We pay 1m+ in rent each year.

Someone built something and it needs laying for, is FF still a farm?

We never paid the construction costs, it was a private developer who paid that on the basis we had a 50 year lease for it but also the opportunity to buy back from them every 5 years.

Now, this developer faced financial problems and Finch Farm was put up for sale a few years back. On the brochure which you can still download the rent at the time was 1.25 million.

The development company went bust and Liverpool Council had to bail us out to buy it, we now rent it off them with the premise to buy it back at the same intervals.
Just seen that Issac Cuenca is out of contract. 24 y/o spanish winger, can play on either side. I seem to remember Deportivo being in an awful lot of financial trouble, so I assume that's why he's left.
Interestingly, he's got the same agent as Barkley and Robles. May be worth the wages to have depth on the wing.

he's incredibly injury prone iirc

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