Ronald Koeman discussion

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Our 45m signing who is apparently completely disrupted by having to play a shocking one position to the left of his "favourite".

Absolutely love this mental idea that Wayne Rooney's mere presence on the pitch is stopping Siggurdson from being even slightly decent, Klaassen from looking like a footballer, DCL from scoring goals, Gueye from dominating the midfield, Tom Davies hair from being nice, Baines from making a block or Williams from not being a useless biff.

Spoiler alert lads: it's not all Wayne's fault, he's actually doing what he's paid to do. His goals have been responsible for 5 of our 8 points this season. Without him we'd be goosed.

But he can control the ball. And Vlasic, that lad with almost zero premier league experience, manages to play just fine despite the talent dark star that is Wayne Rooney a mere 5 metres from him.

But boo hoo, Siggy/ Davies / Klaassen / DCL are all suffering, SUFFERING due to Wayne taking up an entire attacking half. Those poor little dears, we really should be doing everything to accommodate them. What really galls me is how even Siggurdson's free kicks are being affected by Rooney being on the pitch at the same time, perhaps we should ask the ref to make sure all set pieces and corners are taken from the middle of the pitch where Siggurdson needs to be playing at all times.

You couldn't be more spot on with these posts if you tried.

Well in.
But he can control the ball. And Vlasic, that lad with almost zero premier league experience, manages to play just fine despite the talent dark star that is Wayne Rooney a mere 5 metres from him.

But boo hoo, Siggy/ Davies / Klaassen / DCL are all suffering, SUFFERING due to Wayne taking up an entire attacking half. Those poor little dears, we really should be doing everything to accommodate them. What really galls me is how even Siggurdson's free kicks are being affected by Rooney being on the pitch at the same time, perhaps we should ask the ref to make sure all set pieces and corners are taken from the middle of the pitch where Siggurdson needs to be playing at all times.
Rooneys' ball control today was well off. It's erratic at best, ranging from Berbatov to Niasse.

I never mentioned DCL. Though it is clear he plays best up front, rather than on the wing. He doesn't exploit the space properly, however he does find himself in good positions within the box regularly which is the first step. Cannot say the same for Rooney, more often than not he is nearer the centre circle.

Rooney, currently, playing as a striker is a tad pointless as he drops deep to become involved whilst becoming increasingly frustrated with the inability of our team to move forward.

Can't remember the last time Klaassen even played nor did I mention him, or Davies.
You couldn't be more spot on with these posts if you tried.

Well in.

I just find it mad mate.

United last season, even with Rooney apparently draining the life out of them, managed to win two trophies. BUT HE DIDN'T PLAY IN THE EUROPA LEAGUE FINAL!!!! Yeah, just the rest of the competition.

This season, he's got 3 league goals in 8 games. We've needed him to pull us out of the fire again, didn't see that little Sniveller Baines taking any responsibility for the penalty again did we? Nope, we had Wayne, who if he missed would have had negative headlines galore, more scrutiny than any other player, and the boo boy biffs giving him it large, taking the ball for the penalty in the dying parts of a match we seriously couldn't afford to lose.

That's leadership . Ronald Cowhead the bovine beaut hasn't shown half of it. He's created an absolute mess of a squad and you wouldn't even mind, who is coming back from injury to fix it? Coleman who has been in and out of form and Bolasie, who ain't scoring the goals and ain't really assisting them, and may now be robbed of his pace. Koeman has created this lethargic, turgid excuse for a squad and nothing on the horizon screams a change is coming.

But he can control the ball. And Vlasic, that lad with almost zero premier league experience, manages to play just fine despite the talent dark star that is Wayne Roon

He, Vlasic, seems to *not* like to lose. I, personally, like to watch players that hustle, care about their performance, and when it's not going well, visibly let the fans (especially traveling ones) know that they actually give a toss.
He, Vlasic, seems to *not* like to lose. I, personally, like to watch players that hustle, care about their performance, and when it's not going well, visibly let the fans (especially traveling ones) know that they actually give a toss.

And , remarkably, he has had the least amount of time broken on the wheel of Ronald Cowhead than any other player in the squad. Are they linked, well, make of that what you will.
From the Guardian report.

Get this guy on GOT!

We are a disgusting spectacle. Our tactics, system and gameplay are among the ugliest I've ever seen in professional sport.

Koeman must hate a natural setup of players so badly, that even when he capitulates to public pressure, he can still only bring himself to select 1 of four available wingers. How obtuse can you get? It's gone beyond frustrating to just fascinating.

What irritates me more than Koeman, are forelock-tuggers who repeat mindless platitudes about 'taking time to get it right.' A particular favourite of mine is the verb 'gel' - which sees absolutely no use 99% of the time but all of a sudden has become a keystone of the Koeman loyalist's lexicon. Here's one for yous - if Koeman repeats the same approach enough times, do you think simply waiting will see it succeed?

People who want him gone are complaining about actual, tangible decisions he's made, and continues to make - a big number nine isn't going to change anything, nor would ten years practice of this system make it any more effective

The reasons are rooted in basic physics. Everything is too slow - when we cross the halfway line we look like a group of velites advancing towards Hannibal's war elephants, all the while thinking about the Numidians encircling us and striking the rear.

A number of others I've seen have started to complain that the word 'pace' has become a meaningless buzzword and stick to beat Koeman with, just as I've argued 'gel' has become a motif to defend him with.

But Jesus Christ, it's true! Normally, when a turnover on possession happens high up the pitch, the team who just acquired the ball normally explode into motion. It's one of the most distinctive and recongnisible phenonmena in football. Even my mum has pointed it out in the odd game she's seen.

We win the ball, and under the tutelage of arch-crab Schneiderlin, (I've waited patiently but I've literally NEVER seen this great range of passing he's meant to have. It seems to have been one of those Sky Sports sponsored concepts) pivot,and pass it sideways, or backwards. The reason? Too many of our players don't have the acceleration or fitness to get into space. I'm looking at Baines, Schneiderlin, Sigurdsson and especially Rooney. Rooney was terrible to contemplate today. Calvert Lewin, in the one game he played as a centre forward, offered more there than I've ever seen Rooney do.

The problem is, he's already chopped out one of Walsh's four number 10/second strikers, I can't see him ever leaving two of three of Rooney, Sigurdsson and Klaasen on the bench. Which I think is a huge component of our pathetic situation.

People keep saying, why do you think Rhino and Ferguson would do any better with things as they are? My question is, how does anybody think that those two, or indeed anyone else, could do any worse?

Rooney is crap because he has no attacking movement in front of him to create for. If he isn't passing forwards then he is passing back, what else does anyone exoect him to Do?

Lewen looks crap because he is being asked to play as a winger nearly every week. I mean he starts up front and scores so then shifts out wide the next game?

Siggurdson looks crap because he was the star of a crap team before he came here. We haven't made him the star of this team or given him a clearly defined role, or a striker to create for.

Klassen looks crap because he has now 3 other players all in the same position so he can't offer miracles over the other three. If he was our only number 10 then he might have time to settle and kick on but he was injured and on the bench so when can he settle in a team?

Who else?

Vlasic will look crap when he has zero support for when he does move forward.

Keane will look crap next to Ashley Williams.

Is that all of them?

Martina is crap.

The issue is not the individual players, it's the fact we aren't a team. They don't all fit into a team but the manager makes no attempt to do so neither.

So picking out individual players isn't the reason for the crap form. You can't expect 11 players to play completely separate from each other and form a winning team.
I remember trying to force the issue with Kendall ( first time ) Ah! fond memories.
I didn't want Kendall to go but I'm getting a lot less tolerant these days. I wanted Moyes to go years before he went, Martinez to go half way through his second season & Koeman to go half way through his first season!
Just give him a bit more time lads.

Crucial games coming up in both cups, big home game to Arsenal and a chance to overcome the away curse at Leicester.

We'll know for certain by the end of the month.

Why risk our season for it.

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